Chapter 52: Did you Know

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Yoongi's Pov

I'm sitting across from a smirking Jaebum. I want to just strangle him for what he has done up until now. For everything he has put us through. All the heartache, the pain, and now the kidnapping.

We are currently in the interrogation room. It's a small space, with a giant window that others can see through, but you cannot see out of from the inside. There is a metal table in between us, him just staring at me as I just stare at him. We have been like this for a couple of hours, not one speaking to the other. Ever since Jin told me what he saw, I knew Jaebum would be the one to know about this, but we haven't spoken to each other since I have requested him. He sits back, his hands outstretched due to them being cuffed to the metal table.

"Are we going to just sit here and stare at each other all day or are you going to actually interrogate me," He taunts me, that smirk still on his face.

I clench my fists, slamming them down on the table. The sound echos off the walls, and the drinks on the table tip over, but it doesn't seem to phase him one bit. He's my last hope to find any leads as to where she is. As to who actually has her in their clutches.

"What? Did I make the big bad investigator upset?" He doesn't care one bit. Doesn't he have any remorse? Doesn't he have a little bit of shred of humanity in him? Is he really this heartless?

"You of all people should know why I'm sitting in the same room as you." Venom was coating my voice as I glare at him.

He laughs. It's a daunting and hysterical laugh. "You actually think I'd tell you what you want to know? Man, you're probably the stupidest person on this earth."

"If you know what's good for you you'd tell me who is behind the kidnapping of Marissa. You'd also tell me who's behind everything."

"Didn't you already catch the "leader"? My dear mother was arrested because you found out who the mastermind behind everything was."

"Don't play with me right now! Tell me who else is behind this!" I'm starting to get agitated. I want to beat him until he answers me. I want to torture the answers out of him.

"You look like you're ready to murder someone. Let me warn you of one thing, your past life always stays with you, whether you try to change or not." I widen my eyes at his warning.

A deafening silence falls between us. My past life is long behind me. This is who I am now. I left all of that.

"Cat caught your tongue? You know I'm right. You used to be just like me, but then you and Jackson left at the same time. You left us behind, so we're showing you the consequences of that." His smile grows even wider, his eyes daring me to do something.

I swallow down the lump in my throat, my legs losing all strength. So in the end, all of this is because of me? Everything that is happening is because I left them?

"That was a long time ago. Why are you just now doing something about it?" My voice wasn't as stern as it was before. It was soft. It had a slight tremble to it. I don't understand why he's doing this now.

"Because you never had something you cared deeply for, but now you do. You would probably even die for her if you had to. You took Jackson away from me, so I'm returning the favor."

I just stare at him, my thoughts going blank. I can't believe this right now. He's doing this because of Jackson? Because Jackson decided to leave along with me? Why?

"That still doesn't give you guys a reason to attack someone who has nothing to do with this. The bad blood should just be between us." Anger is now seething through my pores.

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