Chapter 25: Recuperating

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Marissa's Pov

Hearing that I was in a coma for a month and a half was the worse news I could hear at the moment. Apparently I woke up a second before I was gone for good. I was laying in the hospital bed, clicking through the channels on tv to find something even remotely interesting. When I found nothing I just switched it off, laying down with a sigh. When is everyone going to come visit me again, I'm way too bored. As if reading my thoughts Yoongi emerges into the room holding a teddy bear with a balloon reading 'Get Well Soon' and a box of chocolates.

"Who knew that the big bad gangster had a mushy side to him," I joked. He blushes at my comment, trying to hide his face from me.

"Shut up! This wasn't even my idea, it was Jungkook's," he yells. I just chuckle at him with how cute he's being.

"Is someone embarrassed," I said in a baby voice. He heaves a sigh as he comes next to my bed. He places my gifts on the table where my uneaten food is.

"You didn't eat," He says a bit more softly.

"I wasn't in the mood for food," I reply with the shrug of my shoulders.


"Please save the lectures, I don't feel like hearing them right now," I cut him off.

"Marissa," He says more sternly. I just stare at him. He takes my hand in his looking me in the eye. "You have to eat. It's not healthy for you to not eat properly. Please eat for me. I'll go get you something that you would want if that'll get you to eat, but I don't want you starving yourself." He had such worry in his eyes. So much pain could be heard behind his words. Him seeing me in that state must've been a horrifying sight, yet here I am being a stubborn girl.

I weakly reach over to take the platter of disgusting hospital food so I could eat it. I open the top to reveal grilled cheese with mashed potatoes and green beans, which probably tastes like shit. There's soda and water sitting next to the platter.

I grimace at the first bite of my grilled cheese, throwing it back on the plate and pushing it back.

"I'd rather eat all of those chocolates than this disgusting food," I said with a grimace.

A deep throaty chuckle escapes Yoongi's mouth as he bends down to my ear. That small action was enough to make my face flush and my heart to speed up.

"Then what does my princess want me to get her," He asks lowly, almost seductively. His breath tickling my skin sent shivers down my spine.

"Can you get me some dumplings," I ask sweetly. I was trying to hide my nervousness.

"Anything for my baby girl."

With that he leaves the room. I cover my face with my hands, muffling my screams. When did I turn out to be such a teenage girl? Every little thing he does gets my body heated. He knows this too, that's why he teases me so much. Just wait until I get out of here Yoongi, your ass is going to get it. I'll show you how mean I can get for always teasing me.

"Ms.Reeds?" I look towards the nervous voice to see Nurse Jackie. I smile warmly at her, beckoning her to enter.

Ever since I woke up I've been requesting that Nurse Jackie be the nurse to take care of me. Yoongi told me that she was the one who cried when he signed the paperwork. For that reason alone I felt an instant connection with her.

She came closer to my bed, smiling brightly as she looked at my new gifts. Soon her smile fades when she sees the uneaten food.

"Ms.Reeds, why haven't you eaten?"

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