Chapter 37: The Wedding

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1 year later

Marissa's Pov

I sit in the dressing room, being completely nervous while waiting to walk down the aisle to be wedded to my one and only. We have gone through so much to get to where we are now. We've literally been on our death beds and came out of it just to be with one another, so this moment in time is truly special to us.

I look in the reflection to see how I look. I smile at myself as I examine the dress that fit perfectly on my body, hugging my body nicely to showcase all of my curves. I have a pure white mermaid dress that is sequenced on the top half. It has sheer sleeves that is pure white at the edges of where it connects to my middle finger like a ring. I have a tiara full of diamonds connected to my hair, a small veil traveling the length of my hair.

As far as my hair goes I just got wavy curls, having the sides of my hair pinned to the back, creating a bow like tie where they're pinned, with two small pieces curled along the frame of my face on both sides. I have light makeup on that brings out my eyes, with a bold red lipstick. I truly feel like a princess right now.

I'm honestly shocked that this is about to happen. Never in my entire life did I think I would ever see the day where I give myself to someone for the rest of my life, but alas the day has come. The day where I truly become one with someone else. The day where we become a true team, where we become forever until death do us part.

I sigh as I look up to the ceiling, tears brimming my eyes. This is truly a bittersweet moment. You're supposed to be here for me dad. You're supposed to be the one that gives me away, not Jungkookie. These are the times where it becomes the hardest that you're not here with us. Are you watching me right now? Are Namjoon and Hoseok with you? Are they smiling down at their best friend, proud that he's willing to make a huge commitment like this? I wish you could give me some type of sign that everything is okay. That you are here with me spiritually if not physically. I love you dad, Namjoon, and Hoseok. Please be happy wherever you are. Please watch after Yoongi and I, and help us grow as a married couple, I silently pray.

My heart aches knowing that none of them are here to help me through this. It's supposed to be the happiest moment of my life, yet here I am about to cry. I am sad but happy at the same time.

"Hey there princess," Jungkook says as he walks in. I look to him to his his brown hair slicked back while wearing a black tuxedo. Intricate gold cuffs are at the edge of the jacket on his arms. He has a white dress shirt under it with black sleek dress shoes. He looks stunning with the way he's dressed.

"I guess I am," I sigh. He comes behind me as I stare at him through the mirror.

"I know this is hard for you because of your dad and our friends, but please don't let it dampen your mood. This is supposed to be one of the happiest moments of your life. You still have your remaining friends who are all in the hall awaiting your arrival," He whispers. His words of encouragement are just enough to break me out of my slump.

Yuho walks in right before I decide it's time to make my entrance. I had Yuho become my maid of honor, seeing as how she's practically family. She smiles sweetly at me as she gestures for me to leave the room.

We walk down the hall to stop in front of the big oak doors in front of the chapel. Jungkook links his arm with mine, the bouquet of roses in my other hand. My heart starts to pound erratically once I realize this is actually happening.

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