Chapter 30: Getting Better

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Jin's Pov

I wake up to see Yoongi sleeping in the chair with his head against the headrest of the chair and his mouth slightly opened. I sigh at the sight of him, knowing how worried I must've made him.

I guess everyone deserves to know what he did for the 6 of us when we were younger. Sit tight, relax and I will explain each of our events that brought us all together.

When I was just 10 I knew that I was bi-sexual, so I came out to my parents, my mother accepted me, however my father didn't. He would constantly abuse me, not leaving a single spot on my body go unbruised, he didn't care if people knew what he was doing. My mother constantly begged him to leave me alone, eventually she decided to take me away, leaving my father behind.

I was a depressed kid, always cutting myself. Whenever I went to my new school I stayed by myself, not daring to get near another person. I was so bent on not being friends with anyone that a certain boy noticed how lonely I really was. He came to me, reaching out his hand to take me someplace where it was quiet. That boy introduced himself as none other than Min Yoongi. He said I didn't have to tell him anything, that I could just cry or whatever. That's exactly what I did, I cried for hours, telling him everything that happened. He stayed quiet, listening intently until I was finished.

He turned to me to say, "Who cares about what your father thinks of you because your mother is doing everything she can to support you. You don't need a person who just abuses you in your life, you need a supportive foundation. I'm willing to support you, but promise me you will never result into cutting yourself again." I nodded my head smiling at him, he was my savior in that moment, and we stuck together ever since.

For Jimin Yoongi had caught people bullying him in middle school for being a nerd. The poor boy didn't know what to do, he was always hurt, broken even. Yoongi one day decided to stick up for Jimin, the bullies leaving him alone after that. Yoongi offered him to be part of our group, the three of us getting along well.

For Hoseok Yoongi had seen a lone wolf. He would cause trouble for people, starting fights with the innocent. Yoongi knew that Hoseok was just lonely, taking out his frustration on others, so Yoongi decided to keep him company, despite Hoseok's protests. Eventually Hoseok warmed up to Yoongi, wanting to hang out with us all the time. We gladly accepted him, turning his attitude around for the better. He changed into a better, more warmhearted person after meeting the three of us.

For Namjoon, Yoongi saw a person who was sad all the time while trying to be happy. He had to start a new life in a new town because his real parents had died in a car crash the summer before we found him. Yoongi outstretched his hand to Namjoon, telling him that he should grieve the loss of his patents, but also appreciate the fact that he has kind adoptive parents who were willing to take care of him. He was so taken aback that he cried even more, hugging Yoongi as if his life depended on it. Namjoon soon decided to join us, becoming close with everyone. Soon the two of us grew to five.

For Jungkook he saw him all alone on the streets. He was in nothing but rags, looking hungry. He was just a little boy, one who was in dire need of a family. Yoongi approached the scare boy asking him why he was all alone looking the way he does. The said boy looked at Yoongi, not sure how to answer. He backed away, scared that we might hurt him. Yoongi sits next to him, placing his school bag on the ground and just sitting there in the silence. The rest of us join him, creating a small circle as Jungkook stared at all of us. His eyes were begging for us to help, but his mouth didn't say anything. The scared boy told us that his parents kicked him out because he admitted to them that he was gay. None of his family members wanted to help him, leaving him to fend for himself. Yoongi smiled at him, saying that it's okay to like who he likes and to be who he is, he shouldn't be ashamed of it. He then offered the scared boy to live with him, and Jungkook gladly accepted.

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