Chapter 21:The Battle Begins

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Jaebum's Pov

To Jaebum,

I will be taking Namjoon's place as your hostage. I know it's me you want, so a trade off is being offered. If you accept the offer to allow Namjoon his freedom in lew of mine then meet me at the park located by gang-ville at 12 noon today. I will be awaiting your presence.

                                       Yours truly,
                                 Marissa Reeds

I read the note for the fifteenth time today. Is she really going to give herself up? It doesn't matter, I gather the crew together along with a handcuffed Namjoon. We make our way to the park she wanted to meet us at. When we arrived we see her waiting alone, we do not let our guard down however. You never know who could be lurking in the shadows. She looks up to meet my gaze, giving me a sad smile.

"We're here for you in exchange for Namjoon's freedom."

She nods her head. No words escape her mouth, just a staring contest. I uncuff Namjoon, releasing him as some of my men take Marissa.

"Why," you could hear Namjoon ask.

"So you'd be free again. You were suffering because of me, so it's only fair if I take your place. Please be safe from now on. Go back to the others and never let them go, I love you Namjoon. You've become like a brother to me, never forget that." She places a kiss on his cheek. After their small interaction we take Marissa with us, leaving a dumbfounded Namjoon to stare after us.

Marissa's Pov

I look back at a sullen Namjoon. My heart breaks at the sight of his downcasted eyes. Don't worry Namjoon, I will get free and none of us will be bothered again. Stay strong. In the midst of my thoughts I feel myself being thrown into a dark cold cellar. The smell of rusty metal and blood hit my nose, making me want to gag. I feel chains being wrapped around my wrists, while a very scary Jaebum watches me. He gives me a smirk as he leaves me alone. Next time they come down I'll use my leg strength to knock them out. Hopefully one of them will have the key to unchain me. After that, the others will attack from the outside. So far so good, right?

I await for someone to come meet me, unfortunately nobody seems to be coming down. Just when I lost hope that my plan would fail I heard the creeking of the door. Jaebum comes down, the jingling of keys could be heard a mile away. Okay, so I have to face down with the leader. I Was not expecting that at all.

The closer he gets the more prepared I become. When he's inches away I jump up, kicking him in the face. He stumbles back, dropping the keys on the floor. I quickly use my feet to pick them up, jumping to throw them into my chained hands. I fumble with the key a little, finally getting my hands free. Once I was free I jumped on Jaebum, throwing punches at him until he's knocked out cold, or so I assumed. When I went to get up I feel strong hands grab my ankle, pulling me down. My stomach collides with the cold hard floor. I felt a punch to my ribcage. I splutter up some blood, trying to gasp for air. With all of my strength I throw Jaebum off of me. I scramble back to my feet as he slowly gets up. I lunge at him again, knocking him off of his feet. I throw more punches at him. A sharp pain goes through my right arm. I can feel a warm substance trickle down the arm as an unbearable pain seeps through it. I quickly glance at it to see that a pocket knife was sticking out of my arm. I throw one more punch at Jaebum, finally knocking him out. I pull out the knife, biting my lip so I could suppress my screams. I rip off a piece of my shirt, tying it tightly to my wound as I slowly get off of Jaebum.

I creep up the stairs, hearing laughter and music coming from one of the many rooms. I look to my left then right to make sure the coast was clear. Before taking another step I shot a quick text to Yoongi, letting him know that I'm free and the bigger plan can be acted upon. A few minutes later I heard a door being knocked down with the mixture of firearms going off. I try to make my escape only to come into the middle of the crossfire between the two gangs.

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