Chapter 39: Is it True

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Marissa's Pov

1 month later

I wake up rushing to the bathroom due to nausea. I know what it is most likely, seeing has how my period is late. If it is so I'll be happy, but if it's something else it'll crush us both.

I hunch over the toilet, puking my guts out as tears form in my eyes. The smell of vomit wafts through the air around me, making me gag even more. I was never one to stand the sight or smell of vomit. Who is really?

"You okay sweetheart," My husband's voice asks with so much concern, crouching down next to me while rubbing soothing circles on my back.

I look at him, my throat burning from just throwing up. "Yea, just a little sick is all," I croak, my voice hoarse.

His gaze really softens as he looks at me filled with even more concern. "I can stay home from work if you need me to," He offers.

"No Yoongi, head to work. I'll see you later honey. I would kiss you goodbye, but," I look to the toilet, gagging again, "I just got done throwing up so it's probably best I don't."

He chuckles as he gets up, pecking me on the forehead before leaving me to throw up more. Morning sickness really is the worse thing ever. Women go through so much, yet men go through so little. The only thing that bothers them are their boners when they're being horny little shits.

I get up after I hear the door close, calling the gynecologist. I just hope they're able to take me on such last notice.

"Thank you for calling Dr.Parks office, how may we be of assistance to you?"

"Hi, this is Marissa Min calling. I was hoping that you would be able to squeeze me in today? I've been having really bad morning sickness, so I need to know what's going on," I reply.

"Okay Ms.Min, let me just check to see if we have anything," She starts off. I can here her clicking away at the keyboard, while I wait anxiously. "Looks like you're in luck Ms.Min, we have an opening in 2 hours time. Is it okay if I schedule you for then?"

My heart leaps for joy, thankful that there's an opening today. "Yes, that's perfect," I say.

"Okay then. We would like for you to come 15 minutes prior due to you being a first timer with us. We will need you to bring your health insurance with you, and you will need to fill out some paper work. We will see you at 945, enjoy the rest of your morning," She chirps sweetly.

I quickly thank her, hanging up afterwards. I hop into the shower, nervous about what I'm about to find out. Will it be a baby? Will it be something deadly? I have no idea.

Man, I've read way too many ER cases for my own good. I just have to believe that it's something wonderful.

The warm water trickling down my body instantly soothes my entire being, calming my rapid thoughts. After my shower I just throw on a pair of sweats with a plain t-shirt and a pair of sneakers, realizing that it's already late.

I rush out of the house, climbing into my car. I call Jin on my way to the doctors, hoping that him and Henry are free. I want Henry there because he is a doctor, even though he doesn't specialize in this particular practice.

"Yeoboseo," Jin answers.

"Please tell me that you and Henry are available to meet me at the gynecologist," I plead.

"Is everything okay? Are you injured in that particular area? Why are you so frantic right now? Talk to me," He demands, not giving me a chance to explain anything.

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