Chapter 13: The Fight

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Marissa's Pov

Everyone gave their condolences one last time before exiting the house. I sigh loudly, letting my frustration and sadness show on my face.

"I reckon you're ready for your fight tonight?"

I know that voice all too well. I roll my eyes walking past him to go back to my room to finish packing my things. He grabs my arm pushing me against the wall, blocking me in between himself and the wall.

"I asked you a question, are you ready?" His voice was dangerously low.

"Yes I am more than prepared Suga. Now if you'll move I have some things I have to take care of. Good day for now." I manage to get away from him and head to my bedroom. Am I really prepared? Sigh, I just hope I can survive the whole ordeal.

The fight is being held in the basement of a local gym close to my house. Maybe I should go there to train a little bit one last time before my fight. See, before any if you say that it's a bad idea because it'll make me sore it won't. What you all don't know is that I normally attend the gym anyway, so doing this won't make me sore at all.

I decide to get into my gym clothes, packing an extra pair for the fight tonight. I put on a work out v neck t-shirt that was a dark grey in color and a pair of black leggings with tape around my hands and a pair of sneakers. I tie my hair into a high ponytail, taking one last glance at my appearance to make sure I look decent enough for the gym.

I finally leave the house, jogging my way to the gym with some water bottles and my bag of clothes. This better pay off, I cannot lose tonight. After 30 minutes of jogging I head into the gym to be greeted by the manager.

"Hello Marissa, how are you?" The manager has always been friendly to me. He has a very welcoming attitude.

"I'm good, I'm just here to prepare for my fight tonight."

"I wish I could get you out of it sweetie. My most sincerest condolences to you for your father as well,” He bows slightly.

"Thank you, I'm going to go train now." I bow to him.

I walk over to the punching bags getting into my stance. I throw punches at the punching bag until I actually punch right through one, causing the sand to spill out. oops, I did it again. I'm always doing this whenever I get too lost in my thoughts. I'm probably making the manager run out of money by now.

"Maybe I'm worrying for no reason. You are really strong, but you don't look it,” He mumbles, passing by me while shaking his head in a joking manner.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult," I jokingly say.

"Relax relax, it's a good thing. You're the true definition of big things come in small packages." He laughs.

I pout at him as I go to the jump rope section to do some jump roping. I really have to train extra hard, I have to win. I jump rope at my top speed for about 15 minutes then I go to take a break, laying down on the bench. I drink an entire bottle of water, wiping away my sweat.

Can I really do it tonight? Can I be the first person to ever beat the Shredder?

"Looks like someone is hard at training." I looked over to see Soohon standing above me, his dark eyes gazing down at me.

"Yea, I have to be at the top of my game for the fight. What brings you here?"

"I just saw you training and decided to come in here and say hi. Well, I'm heading off to the gang, catch you later." I smile and wave as he walks out of the gym.

"Did he befriend you?" I turn to the manager who was watching the other male leave the gym.

"Yes," I say excitedly.

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