Chapter 6: Happy Birthday!! Pt.2

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Marissa's Pov

It's time to go to this club with Minho and some of the guys. Why did I agree to go, this has turned into such a bad day. You are such a loser Marissa, stop being so hung up on one guy.

"It seems Minho is here for you sweetie."

"I'll see you later daddy, have some fun with Yuho."

"Go, get going princess, and do not forget my warnings."

"I won't dad, love you. Bye Yuho, enjoy your stay!" My dad and Yuho both wave to me as I get into Minho's car.

"I'm glad you still decided to come out, I know I just dropped the bomb on you like that, but I just couldn't hold it back any longer, my guilty conscious was just eating away at me."

"I know it's not your fault Minho, you hid it for a reason, don't get too worked up about it." She just smiled sweetly at me, her sweet smile had a pained look about it.

The rest of the car ride was a little too quiet, an awkward you want to jump out of the car quiet.

We finally pull up to the club, and you could see people dancing outside as well as inside. The smell of booze hits your nose as soon as you walk in, with the music booming so loud you could go deaf from just being in here. What type of club is this?

Minho: *Yells above music* "I spot them, come on let's go over." Before I can have any type of reaction Minho grabs my wrist, leading us to the table where everyone was. Once we get to the table I look at everyone, stopping when I see him. My heart feels like it's shattering just knowing we're in the same vicinity of each other.

He hasn't noticed me yet, he's laughing with a pink haired girl with his arm linked around her waist. Is that her?

Gina: "Tae, someone's just staring at you." I can hear her scream across the table. I quickly averted my eyes, looking for an escape, I can't be here, at least not in the same proximity as him. I know it's my fault that we're not together anymore, but he hasn't contacted me at all since that day.

Namjoon: "Are you okay? We wanted to warn you, but we were afraid that you wouldn't come if we had told you."

"I think I'm going to go sit somewhere else, being here is too suffocating, excuse me."

Gina: "Hey, where are you going? I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Gina and this is Tae, my boyfriend." My heart couldn't take any more, she seems really nice, but I still can't accept the fact that he's with someone else.

Slowly I turn myself around to introduce myself to her. "Hello, I'm Marissa, nice to meet you."

Tae: "Marissa?! Wow, you look different in that dress, how are you?" Just stop, don't talk to me. I can't handle anymore, especially when I hear your voice after a long time.

Suga: "So you've managed to keep one of your friends. What's the occasion for you being here tonight?" His taunting voice has just struck an irritated nerve.

Minho: "Today's Marissa's birthday and I wanted to get her to come out, so I invited her."

Gina: "No way, it's my birthday too! How old are you turning today?"


Gina: *Gasps* "So am I! I feel like we can be great friends!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go right now, it's just a bit too stuffy here for me. I'll be over there if anyone needs me." I point to a wall that seems to be unaccompanied, perfect for the way I'm feeling.

I make my way through the crowd to stand against the wall while my thoughts swim through my mind. Why did she have to be here tonight? Why did he have to bring her? Why didn't I get any type of warning? Did everyone know about her coming?

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