Chapter 48: Stay Safe

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Yoongi's Pov

"It's never easy to say this, but I'm sorry," Dr. Yoon begins. My heart had officially dropped to the pit of my stomach.

I took a glance at Marissa, her losing all strength. There wasn't much I could say or do at this point.

"What's going on doctor," I managed to ask him after he hadn't spoken for a while.

"Your friend is alive rest assured, but he's not responding the way we want him to. How do I say this nicely? He's in a comatose state," He stated with a pained expression.

I thanked the doctor, turning to Marissa to take her hand gently, and we left the hospital, my heart breaking even more.

2 hours later

"Yoongi what are we going to tell Minho? She has a right to know, but I don't want to spring this on her when she's already damaged," Marissa asks me with more tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Our first call should be to Mrs.Park, this is her son after all," I reply. I know this is hard for Marissa, this is another member of our group that could potentially die.

"I'll make the call to Mrs.Park." Her voice cracks even more, my heart dropping at that. She can't make the call, she's too unstable.

"No, you're too unstable right now, someone who can hold themselves together while giving out the news should be the one to make the call." I look to her to see a shocked expression on her beautiful face.

I walk over to her form, sitting next to her on the couch as I pull her into my side. I sway her back and forth as I fish out my phone, preparing to tell Mrs.Park the news of what happened to her son.

"Yeoboseo," She answers cheerfully. I can't believe I'm about to hurt her by being the bearer of bad news.

"Mrs.Park, this is Min Yoongi," I answer her. I can instantly feel her brighten up more through the phone, she hasn't heard from me in forever.

"Ah Yoongi-ah, how have you been? How is that gorgeous wife of yours," She instantly bombards me with questions.

I chuckle nervously, thinking about how I should tell her. "You're not calling just to chitchat are you?" She finally catches on.

I take a deep sigh, clenching my eyes tightly shut as I feel guilty about all that I'm about to tell her. Once she knows everything she may be in danger as well, so I'm trying to figure out how to tell her what happened without revealing everything that is going on.

Guess I should've figured it out before I dialed her number huh? Too late now, she's on the other line waiting patiently for me to tell her the reason for me calling her.

"No, I'm calling on more of a serious matter," I finally answer her question.

I hear her gasp lightly, already feeling her smile instantly fall. "Is it about Marissa and the baby? Was Marissa hit by a car?" The last question makes me do a double take at the phone.

Did I hear her correctly? How would she know about a car nearly pummeling Marissa?

As if reading my mind, she responds with, "I saw Marissa and my son at the shopping district, and a car lost control. I don't know what happened next because I ran away from the scene without seeing the results of the accident itself." I decide to believe her, although there are some holes in her story.

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