Chapter 17: I Need You

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Yoongi’s Pov

It's been 3 days, she still has not woken up. I'm starting to worry that she won't ever wake up. At this point I have to let her friends know that she's here in this very devastating state. No, i still haven't informed everyone else what had happened to her, even though they are nervous because they haven't seen or heard from her. I pull my cell out to call Taehyung.

"Hello?" His raspy deep voice answers the phone on the first ring.

"Hey, it's Yoongi....."

"What do I have the pleasure of you calling me Yoongi?"

I can hear the worry already evident in his voice. I inhale deeply before continuing.

"It's something to do with Marissa......"

"Just tell me already, don't drag this out." Taehyung was one who just wanted to cut to the chase.

"She's in the hospital. She's in a potential coma, she hasn't woken up for 3 days now."

"What happened?!"

"She was shot by a gang. She was barely clinging to life when I got her to the hospital."

I can hear him sigh.

"Alright, we'll all be right there. You can tell us the full story of what the hell happened when we get there."

We hung up with each other as I slump back into the chair next to Marissa's hospital bed. I begin to sob quietly, not knowing if I'll ever be able to talk to her again.

Why does it hurt this much? I have no idea how you've crept into my heart so easily. I need you Marissa, pull through this please.

I hear footsteps running into the room followed by gasps at the scene before them. I look up to meet the eyes of a very upset Taehyung.

“Please explain what is going on." Jungkook's voice was wavering. I look at all of them, their eyes pleading me to explain what I know. I close my eyes before starting off.

"I was going to meet my gang when I saw Marissa aimlessly walking around. She once again wound up in gang territory. There she met with Yugyeom who's part of the worse gang there is. He dragged her somewhere with me following closely behind. Once I realized he was taking her to their hideout I stopped, not knowing what would've happened. Next thing I know I heard gunshots, which brings us to where we are now. She was barely alive when we got here." I look up to see everyone on the verge of tears, including myself.

"When will her misery ever end? Why can't she just live peacefully for once without having to nearly die?" Minho's voice was cracking as she spoke just above a whisper.

"There's nothing we can do except for hope that she overcomes this. I think it's time we let her live with us again, we can't let her live alone." This time it was Jin who finally spoke up. I knew Jin was really close to her, so this all must be really hard on him.

“How come?" Jackson was a curious one, but I could tell he wanted Marissa to live with them again.

"If this particular gang knows she survived they won't stop coming after her until she's dead for good. Nobody survives after coming in contact with GOT7." I looked down, I know this personally.

"Meaning her life will be on the line everywhere she goes?!" Jungkook was sounding frantic now.

"Not necessarily."

"What do you mean?"

"The way she can escape from them is to join another gang."

“What do you mean?! She won't ever agree to it!"

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