Chapter 1: New Life

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Ah, time to get ready for school, I'm so excited! Now I know what you're all probably thinking, ew she likes school? The answer to that is yes, well loved school, until I had to suddenly transfer to Korea for my senior year. My dad had a job transfer from New York to Seoul, Korea. It's just my dad and I though, my mother died when she gave birth to me, which saddens me, I never got to meet her, but dad tells me all the time that I resemble her so much. It gives me a sense of warmth whenever he tells me that. It helps me to feel more connected to her in some way.

My dad is very caring towards me, yet he lets me do whatever I want since I'm his little angel. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those stuck up girls, I'm the complete opposite actually. My name is Marissa, I have curly blonde hair, which reaches my waist, crystal blue eyes, and an athletic body. What can I say, I love my sports, yet I like being extremely girly as well. I guess you can say I'm a sporty girly girl.
"Marissa, lets go before you're late for your first day," my dad yells up the stairs for me.

"Coming dad." I run down the steps to be greeted with a kiss on my cheek from my dad.

"You sure you don't want me to drive you sweetheart?"

"No, I enjoy walking, so I'll be good. I love you daddy, have a safe day at work," I ramble on cheerfully.

"I love you too sweetie, enjoy your new school." My dad gives me a quick hug and shoos me away, I swear I love him to death.

I walk up to my new high school, it's a rather large building, I don't think I've ever seen high schools this big before. Don't be afraid Marissa, it's just a new school, that's all. You can get through this, you can make new friends, don't be afraid. Okay then, here goes nothing. After I mentally encourage myself I go back to my book that I was reading on the way here. Yea yea, I know I probably shouldn't read and walk, but hey I love books too much to put them down.

I feel myself bump into a wall, causing me to stumble back into somebody. They push me on the ground, then begins to walk away.

"That was rather rude, how dare you push a lady like that," I scoff in their direction.

He stops to look at me, rather un-amused, actually he looks pissed as hell. What's his problem? I take a quick look at him so I can recognize him if we ever have to meet again. He has mint green hair, a muscular frame, a little on the short side, he's really pale, but has very handsome features. One would say he can be very attractive looking.

"You're the one who stumbled into me." His voice was cold, it actually sent shivers down my spine.

"Excuse me?! You're the one who pushed me, yea I get that I wasn't paying attention and bumped into you, but that gives you no right to throw me on the ground!" I feel someone grab my arm and pull me into the girls bathroom. I'm so confused right now, why did somebody pull me away.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" a soft voice said. I look to the petite, yet beautiful girl in front of me. She has long black hair that reaches her waist with bangs, and beautiful dark eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You must be new here, you see, that man was Suga, and he's someone that everyone at this school tends to avoid." Her voice sounded panicked. It was as if talking about the other male was taboo.

"How come?"

"Well, he just humiliates girls like there's no tomorrow and he beats up other male students if they try to start trouble with him. You're better off staying away from him."

Humiliates girls? How so? This is a very odd encounter on my first day of school.

"So he's basically a bully that everyone tends to avoid?"

Stay Away From Me (Yoongi FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon