Chapter 24: Two Weeks Are Over

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Yoongi's Pov

Two weeks have finally come. She has until midnight to wake up or she's done. We all sit in the room, the ticking of the clock along with the beeping of the machine are the only sounds present in the room. We all stare blankly at Marissa, waiting for some type of miracle. Please tell me you're going to wake up. I inhale deeply, tears streaming down my face.

I'm such a mess. I haven't been able to live my life freely knowing that Marissa isn't by my side.

"Yoongi," Jungkook softly whispers in a shaky breath.


"Is this goodbye?" I snap my head in his direction, closing my eyes when I see the pained look on his face. I decide to look at everyone else, fatigue evident on their faces.

Every ticking sound of the clock is a step closer to her losing her life. It is now 11:30 p.m. She only has 30 minutes to wake up. 30 minutes to see if this is goodbye forever. 30 antagonizing minutes. 30 minutes of complete hell.

I get up with my weakening body to climb next to her, wrapping my arms around her fragile body. I place quivering lips on her temple, my tears staining her hollowing cheeks. Please be a miracle. Please wake up before the clock strikes 12. I need you Marissa, you made me a better man. You are everything to me. Me surviving would mean nothing if you aren't here with me. Please let me have some more time with you, I don't want you dying just yet.

10 minutes left. My heart is rapidly beating, waiting for her eyes to open. These last 10 minutes are going to be the death of me. I can't breathe, the waiting is killing me. Is this really goodbye? It can't be, I'm so so so sorry Marissa I really am.

I hear a wailing kind of cry in the midst of my thoughts. I jerk my head up to see that it was Jungkook. This is hitting him really hard. He comes over to hold her hand, his tears coming down like a waterfall. My heart aches even more just seeing him in this state. I look back at Marissa longingly.

"We should say our final goodbyes before it's too late," I quietly whisper loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone says goodbye, me being the last one. I take a deep breath looking at the clock. I have just 5 minutes to tell her my feelings. To tell her how much she means to me.

"Marissa, looks like this is goodbye. I just wanted to say that I love you. I was an utter fool for the way I've treated you. You deserved better treatment, I was just being stubborn. I realized too late how much you meant to me. You have changed me for the better, I will be forever grateful for you. You are my world, it's going to be empty without you around. Will I be able to move on from you? I really don't think so because you are a unique individual. A once in a lifetime opportunity that I let slip through my fingers. Please forgive me for the way I've treated you. You were, no are, a true angel that was sent down to help mend my heart back together. Sadly enough, it's being torn to pieces all over again. You were so sweet, caring, and very accepting of anyone. You have showed me what true kindness is. What a good hearted person is capable of. You brought a smile on just about anyone's face. I love you Marissa," I managed to choke out.

My emotions started to overwhelm me. I look to the clock. 1 minute. Just one minute left and she's gone forever. The doctors and nurses start making their way in with saddened expressions on their faces. They crowd the machines, allowing me to hold her in my arms in her final moments. 20 seconds. I slowly count them down, the staff personnel reaching out their hands to turn the machines off.

Right before they switch them off I feel her hand move.

"Wait," I practically yell. Dr.Park looks at me questioningly.

"He-he-her hand moved," I stuttered.

Dr.Park looks at her as her hand twitches again. Soon after her eyes slowly open. She looks around the bright room, trying to process where she's at. When her eyes meet mine they widen in surprise. She doesn't hesitate to pull me into a hug, tears falling onto my shoulder. She's alive. She literally woke up at the last second. She's good, she's okay.

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