Chapter 44: Where are you

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Hobi and Minho. This is again, the day before Hobi dies. I know this is upsetting, it was very upsetting for me too. This chapter is unedited like the previous ones. Again, please don't hate me for killing off Hobi. As always, happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Minho's Pov


"Hobi, what in the world are you doing," I ask him as I watch him dance like a madman. I know he enjoys dancing, but I feel as if he's doing too much right now. We are currently in the dance studio where he teaches. I'm sitting on the floor against the wall as I just watch him in awe and amusement.

He's even screaming while dancing, making me chuckle at his childishness. A small smile forms on my lips when we make brief eye contact. I know tomorrow is the day that they're going to be placed in danger, I'm just hoping that nothing bad happens to any of the boys.

"Come join me Minho! We can dance the day away," He exclaims happily.

I laugh at his enthusiasm, my heart constricting at the possibility of never seeing him again. I can feel myself wanting to cry. I don't want anything to happen to him. I don't want to see him get hurt. I don't want him to go through with this.

Is that selfish of me? Am I being inconsiderate? Am I being too clingy? I don't know how to describe, I just don't want him going. I want him to stay with me, waiting for everyone else to come back. I just really don't want him to go.

Hobi walks over to me, taking my hands in his own. He sits down on the floor in front of me crossed legged. I have my worried eyes meet his longing gaze. I can't stop myself now, the tears are rolling down my face.

"What's wrong Minho? Are you okay? Is there something you need me to do? Are you and the baby okay?" His voice is filled with so much worry.

I forgot to mention, I'm pregnant with his child. I had accidentally became pregnant with his child a month ago. I shake my head no in response to his bombardment of questions.

"Hobi, the baby and I are fine. I'm just worried. Worried that you won't return to us. I'm worried that you'll leave this world for good. I have your child inside of me. Do you really have to go? Can't you stay with me?" My voice cracks at the end. I can't do this anymore.

He lightly places his hand on my stomach, looking adoringly at it. "I promise you, I will return to you both, there really is no reason to worry. I don't want you to stress yourself over this. It's not healthy for you or the baby. Just take deep breaths and have a little faith love. I love you Minho, I don't want you to worry over such a minimalistic matter. I will always be right beside you no matter what," He whispers lovingly.

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