Chapter 47: Who

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This chapter is unedited, so please excuse any mistakes that might be present. As always, happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Marissa's Pov

"You don't understand Yoongi, he was hit by a car in my place! He might die because of me! Don't tell me to calm down," I yell frantically into the phone as I rush to the hospital.

"Listen, we don't know for a fact if that car was supposed to hit you or if it was an accident, we will have this case under investigation. Please, for the sake of your own self and the baby, just try to relax," His voice is way too calm. He's way too relaxed when his best friend is in a life or death situation.

How can someone be this calm? How can he just be okay with this whole thing?

"I'll call you back when once I find out his diagnosis." Without giving him a chance to protest I hang up the phone.

I grip the steering wheel tightly, pressing my foot on the gas pedal to drive faster than the speed limit in order to get to the hospital faster. Anger, shock, pain, and sadness are the only emotions I'm feeling at this moment, not knowing what the possible outcome of Jimin's state is.

Please let him be alive. Please let him be alive. Please let him be alive. Please let him be alive, is the mantra that's running through my mind.

Tears are racing down my face as I race down the highway, not a care in the world at what might happen to me. My breathing is uneven, I'm not really fit to be driving right now, but do I care? No, I don't. I don't care whatsoever.

I see the hospital come into view as I pull off the highway, my mind going a million miles per minute. As I near the hospital, my mind starts to think of the worse scenarios that could happen.

Will he be alive? Will he be able to come out of this? Will we hear the words 'I'm sorry but your friend didn't make it.'

This isn't fair. It isn't fair to Minho or Yoongi. Jimin and I weren't that close, but please spare Yoongi and Minho this heartbreak. I mean I'll be heartbroken too, but the people who it'll effect the most are Minho and Yoongi.

I pull into a parking space, nervously getting out of the car as I drag my shaking body through the doors of the hospital. It feels like it takes forever to get there, my heart dropping with each step I take.

When I get to the receptionist, she looks up at me with kind eyes. She is beautiful with hazel eyes, fair pale skin that has a light natural blush to her cheeks, and long wsvy brown hair. Her smile falters when she sees my distressed state, worry and pity replacing that beautiful smile of hers.

"Are you okay miss? Is there something you need help with? Are you not feeling well?" So many questions come from her.

"I-I'm looking for Park Jimin," I nervously speak, licking my lips and taking a deep breath all in one.

"Let me look for you," She says. She turns to her computer, typing in the name that I had given her. It seemed like everything was in slow motion, I'm getting a really uneasy feeling.

"Ah, here he is. I'm sorry miss, he's not able to see anyone just yet, they're still having him settle in. I wish I could tell you more, but I'll let the doctor know you are here," She politely states.

I just nod my head, unable to produce any more words right now. I drag my body over to a set of chairs to sit down and await the doctor so he could tell me what's going on with Jimin.

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