Chapter 36: Will You be Mine

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Before you read this chapter: sexual content is ahead, read at your own risk.

Jin's Pov

The phone ringing is what woke me in the early hours of the morning. I groggily look at my screen to see that it was Henry. My face instantly lights up when I see his name.

"Hello," I answered. I can hear a deep chuckle on the other end.

"Why so perky in the morning," He questions, amusement coating his voice.

"It's only because of you," I blurted out without realizing it.

"I'm glad to know I'm the cause of your happiness. I was calling to let you know that I'm right outside of your house. Do you mind if we spent the day together lounging around either in your room or throughout the house?" His question caught me off guard. I would love to spend the day with him, whether it's cuddling in bed or doing more than that. I quickly shake that thought away, I don't want him to think that I'm some type of pervert.

"I'd like that, I'll be right there to let you in," I reply.

I quickly shoot out of bed with just my sweatpants on, forgetting to put on a shirt.

On the way down the hallway I see Yoongi and Marissa going downstairs as well. They both turn to me quizzically, asking with their eyes how my date went.

"Yoongs, Henry is here now. We're just going to be lounging around in my room, so please relay the message to everyone else to not disturb us," I plead.

"I take it that the date was a success yesterday," Marissa asks. I look to her with a bright smile on my face, only to have it falter.

Guilt starts making its way into my being. I'm moving on from Namjoon, is this really okay? Is it okay to fall for someone else after Namjoonie? Am I doing something wrong?

"It's okay to move on Jin. I know it's hard to believe so because of what happened, but please don't let it stop you from chasing happiness ever again. Dr.Lau is the perfect guy for you," Yoongi pipes. It's as if he read my mind. I smile in their direction as I rush down the stairs to allow Henry into the house.

"Welcome Henry," I mumble as I'm greeted with a sexy beast. He has on a tank top, showcasing all of his tattoos, and a pair of skinny jeans. His hair is slightly tousled to the side, making him look incredibly hot.

I step aside to allow him to enter, staring after him once he enters. He turns to stare at me as well, both of us holding eye contact for what seems like hours. I can get lost in those beautiful eyes of his forever.

Someone clears their throat, waking both of us from our trance. I shut the door, embarrassment manifesting itself in me. Henry chuckles at my embarrassed state as we both look to the culprit.

Taehyung is there with a smirk on his face, Jungkook standing behind him with his bunny like smile. Yoongi, Minho, Jimin, Jackson, and Marissa joins us in the living room. They all look between us, asking what's going on between the two of us.

"Well, since people are here I minus well ask you in front of everyone. Jin, yesterday was the first time in a long time that I was truly happy in the presence of another. I want to know, will you be my one and only? Will you be the one to become my boyfriend and make me the happiest man on earth?" I look at him shocked.

There are so many emotions swirling through me. Happiness, fear, sadness, and love. The most prominent one of all of these emotions is love. I look into his eyes, him pleading with me to answer him.

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