Chapter 9: Just Six Months

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After the dinner with Jackson the gang and I decide to stay the night at his house. He gives us a tour of the grand place, this place looks just like the mansion from 'Cinderella', it even has the cold dusty cellar. The place is beyond beautiful. He takes us the the indoor pool where they have a sauna and a gym area that connects to the pool area. The backyard has a maze of rose bushes with beautiful flowers coating the entire area. He just has an amazing house, yet here he is just being a humble sweet guy.

Jungkook and I sit on the bench outside, taking in the beautifully snowed covered garden.

"Marissa, why did you get Tae and Gina back together?" Jungkook held disappointment to his voice, taking me off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"I was fine with him dating you because you're like a super girl of many talents, but I feel a ping of sadness when I see them being together." I look over to see looking down to the ground as he plays with his fingers.

"I'm confused, isn't Gina a nice girl?" I can't help but feel that he's hiding something from me.

"She is, I just, I don't know what it is, every time I see them I hurt here, wanting to cry." He points right to his chest where his heart is. Is he perhaps jealous? Does he have feelings for Taehyung? To be honest, I'd rather him be with Tae instead of Gina.

"Jungkook?" I have to ask him, I have to find out the truth.


"Do you by any chance have any romantic feelings for Taehyung?"

"I do, I have for a long time now, ever since freshman year of high school. I just don't want to ruin the friendship we have with-" We were interrupted by loud moans coming from behind one of the bushes. Jungkook and I go to see who it could be, to our surprise it's Jin and Namjoon. They like each other too? What about Minho? I could see the look if shock on Jungkook's face, to which I giggle at, making them stop to stare at us.

"ummmm-" Namjoon breaks away from the kiss, Namjoon looking at us. He can't even say a word out of embarrassment, whereas Jin doesn't make eye contact at all.

"What happened to Minho,” I will kill Jin if he had hurt her or if he's cheating on her

“We just broke up, Hoseok loved me more and confessed so I'm with him now. I knew Jin harvested feelings for Namjoon, I was just being selfish, so it was time I let him go.” You could hear the arrogance coming from her voice. It's as if she's slowly changing into someone that I don't even know.

"Oh, well as long as everyone's okay with it then I have no say."

“Okay then, I'm going to go join Hobbi inside, I just wanted to come out and tell you about Hoseok and I, catch you all later." I let out an internal sigh. What the actual fuck is happening around me?

"Hey you two, no need to be embarrassed by us, we're not ones to judge, we're all friends after all. Besides, love is love no matter the race, gender, weight, or sex of the person. You can't help who you fall in love with, just don't let them slip through your fingers, confess to them right away." That last line was meant for Jungkook, I know he's nervous about telling Tae; he's afraid of not having him around at all. All three look at me a bit surprised by my words.

"You're not disgusted by us? You don't hate us for you know being two guys in love with each other?" I could hear the nervousness of being rejected by me in his voice.

"Why would I be Jin? Just because you love who you love won't make me look at you any different, it's okay to be in love with Namjoon. I am not disgusted in any way shape or form, you guys are my friends, I'm going to accept the two of you as a couple whether you want me to or not." Their eyes widen at that while chuckling a little, looking relieved at the same time. I tell Jungkook to let's go so they can continue where they left off, I think we invaded on their privacy enough for one night.

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