Chapter 12: Funeral

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Marissa's Pov

Tomorrow's father's funeral. The closer the day gets the more reality sinks in that he's no longer with me. What if I lose my fight with the Shredder, will I be able to join father? Stupid Marissa, father wouldn't want that for you. You have to fight, fight for your life and survive that horrid nightmarish guy.

So yes, I watched this guy's past fights, and let me just say, I'm in for one hell of a fight. This guy is at least 6'5", humongous! He has muscles on top of muscles, and he's ruthless in the ring. He has silky black hair, with dark brown eyes and very sharp features. His eyes are cold, they hold no remorse for those he fights.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of him. He scares me so bad, but I can't think about my fight, I have preparations for the funeral to take care of. Yuho wanted to help me, I just told her that I didn't want her help, that she should just rest. The truth of the matter is, I didn't want her around me knowing that I'm still under surveillance. Yoongi's gang had been all over the place, their eyes watching my every move. I assume it's to make sure I don't take a flight and flee the country.

She just mumbled an okay, leaving me to do all of the work. I call the caterers for the luncheon afterwards to make sure everything would be ready. We're holding the luncheon at my house, all funeral guests are welcomed to come.

I invited his whole work force, my crew, and reluctantly Yoongi's gang. Yoongi had forced me to allow them to come. I really hate all of these eyes on me. I hope after this fight, I won't have to see any of them again, but even I know that's wishful thinking.

There are going to be a lot of people, more than I'm comfortable with. Not much you can do about it Marissa.

Next phone call on my list is getting the priest so he can say a prayer, and then calling the funeral director to make sure we were on the same page about the time that the funeral is going to start. Instead if grieving I'm running around like a chicken without it's head. I smile slightly to myself at that thought.

Oh dad, how I miss you so. I wish you could still be here with me, I'm hurting without you. Would you be worried about me if you found out about the situation I got myself involved with? Would you come watch the fight? I love you dad, please rest in peace with mom.

I look to the clear blue sky above me as the sun glistens on my skin with a gentle warm breeze blowing around me. I close my eyes, relishing in the quiet yet peaceful moment. Tears finally decide to roll down my cheeks, which becomes hard to stop once they start. I sit on my front step, letting sadness overtake me so I can have my time to grieve. Why did he have to die now? Why couldn't he have held on for just a bit longer?

I walk back into the house after about 30 minutes of grieving. I have to start packing up his stuff and giving it away. I asked Yuho if there was anything that she wanted before I did this, all she wanted was the cross necklace that hung around his neck. She knew how much it meant to him, so she wanted to have it to keep him close to her. I packed that in a jewelry box to give to her at the funeral tomorrow. As for the rest of his things, I'm giving it away to different charities to help them out.

After about 2 hours of packing I decide to take a little break on our balcony. I overlook our small garden lost in my thoughts when I spot a figure below smiling at me.

That looks like that Shredder guy. What is he doing here? I quickly make my way to the backyard to talk to him.

"Um hi, is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes, I was told to tell you that the fight was changed to tomorrow night instead." Woah, his voice is so deep, it's kind of captivating.

"Why, tomorrow's my father's funeral? There's no way I can fight after such a heavy morning and afternoon."

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