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Evan POV

I open my car door and stay sitting I grab my phone and look up at his door again, i get up an head to his door, Im there, at his door, I'm nervous, I almost knock till I here coughing from inside, big coughs, there heavy and they sound painful. I knock.

"Be *cough* there in a second *cough cough*". A couple seconds later I hear the door unlock, Jonathan pops out his head.
Jonathan POV:
I open the door and I see Evan, what is he doing here?
"Dude what are you doing here?" I ask him
"What, I can't surprise you and I wanted to meet you. Now give me a hug"
I open the door more and when I do he pulls me into a bro hug I hug back I'm a little bit taller than him, and I invite him inside
"I thought yo-" before I could finish Katie my Rottweiler runs out and starts barking at Evan.
"Oh shut up Katie" I say, and like that she stops barking and lays down, I give her a treat than she runs off to my room.
"I don't think she likes me" Evan says
"She doesn't like anyone besides me"
"So when did you get a dog" he asks
"I got her a long time ago" I say
"Oh cool"
"Yeah, well you can sleep in my bed if you want"
"Why don't you sleep in your bed?"
"Like I said before I don't sleep, come on I'll show you my room" I start off in the direction of my room, I hear Evan behind me, when I get to my room Katie is on my bed eating her treat,
"Ya know if you want to sleep in here Katie might come in and sleep on the end of the bed with you"
"It's ok I'll crash on the couch you should have your own room" we agree on that. We decide on watching a movie, took like 10 minutes trying to figure out witch movie we were going to watch. We picked "White Girls" because we couldn't figure out anything else to watch. When the 2 guys where getting there makeup done Evan said, "That's some Hoodini shit right there"
"I don't know you've givin me 1 to many beers tonight" we both start laughing are asses off till it started happening again, I'm coughing again and I can't breathe again I cover my mouth with my hand and try and stop coughing but I feel something on my hands, I jump up and run to the bathroom, I keep coughing when I look down at my hand they have blood on them I look at my self in the mirror and see there's some blood around my mouth, I eventually stop coughing and start to clean up my mouth and hands and I made sure no blood was on my shirt, I hear a knock at the bathroom door I open it to see Evan with worry in his eyes.
"Are you alright?" He asks
"Yeah I'm fine just don't feel good"

"I think tomorrow we should go to the doctors Del"

"I'm fine Evan"
"Jonathan you were coughing up blood"
"Ya saw"
"Yeah it was on your hands when you ran to the bathroom"

"oh ok, I'm tired you should go to bed an ill do the same"

"ok" say quietly

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