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Evan POV:

It's been over a month and Jonathan still hasn't woken up. The guys had to leave to go back to America. Sydney came in every single day, but after usually 2 hours she would leave. I haven't left Jonathan's side. Sydney would bring me food and we would talk.

I wouldn't say we are friend, but I wouldn't say we are enemies.

Doctors come by and do check ups on Jonathan, every time they would say the same thing, either 'We don't know when he'll wake up' or 'There's a chance he might not wake up'.

Like every night, I pull my chair up the Jonathan's bed and lay my head down next to his side. When I couldn't sleep I traced Jonathan's tattoo or held his hand.

I haven't been getting much sleep this past month. I would close my eyes and listen to his heart monitor, praying that it will keep beeping. It always did.


It was around 12 and I couldn't sleep. I held Jonathan's hand and traced his tattoo with my thumb. His skin was soft. He was so pale, so weak looking. I can't count how many times I've cried this month. And once again, I start crying.

I put all the guilt on me, if I didn't cheat he wouldn't be here. If I didn't get drunk he wouldn't be here. If I didn't raise my voice he wouldn't be here. If I was a better boyfriend, he wouldn't be here...


2 Months Later:

3 months. 3 fucking months Jonathan has been in a coma. I haven't left the hospital. Noah came and visited. She could only stay for a week. We talked about life, me and Jonathan, and her life.

When she left everything was the same.
Sydney brought me food, we talked, she left, and I stayed with Jonathan. I was scared to leave his side.


It's was 3:30 am and I was still awake, holding his hand and tracing his tattoo. I rested my head on his bed, I felt a squeeze. The grip of Jonathan's hand tighten around mine. But soon fell back to normal. I soon fell asleep after that. I felt hope that he might wake up soon. Or it could be a sign for something else...


I woke up the next morning with soft fingers running threw my hair, it was still really early and I couldn't keep my eyes open. The fingers threw my hair calmed me. And soon fell back asleep.

When I woke up again I still had fingers running threw my hair. I slowly raise my head and look at Jonathan.

"Hi" he say, so weakly and shakily.
"Hey" I say, not knowing anything else to say.
"I'm sorry..." He say, his voice still small.
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault it's mine" I say.
"It's not your fault, I did this to myself"
I stay quiet. I don't know what to say.
"I missed you.." I say.
"I missed you to Evan" he says. "I remember the guys coming to visit and Noah coming to visit"
"I was aware of everything, I could hear everything, I remember squeezing your hand. I was trying so hard to move and wake up, but I couldn't. I remember squeezing your hand than not being able to move again. Then I woke up. the doctors say I can go home today, I can stay at Sydney's if you don't want me at your house" he say. His voice trailing off at the end.
"If coarse I want you at our house, I missed your company" I say.

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