Can You Keep A Secret?

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Evan POV:

When me Jonathan and his neighbor where in the car it was silent, and I kept it that way. I was worried about him, and what did he mean we'll talk about it later, I guess we will talk about it when we get home.

Time Skip To When They Get Home Still Lazy AF:

When we get home we all get out of the car and me and Jonathan start heading to his apartment, until I feel a small hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Jonathan's neighbor, staring at me.

"I never got to introduce myself, I'm Noah, and your Evan right"

"Uh yeah, h-how did you know?" I stutter.

"Im one of Jon's really good friends, i look threw his stuff, and you 2 text a lot back and forth, you an emergency contact"


"Well I know Jon got evicted and your here to take him to live with you, in Canada, Right?"

"Uh, yeah"

"Well I need to tell you that Jon is unstable, he came from a very bad childhood, he scarred, mentally and physically, I'm not telling anything else because Jon should tell you this, not me, but just don't pressure him or anything ok, bye and I'm in Jon's contacts just get my number from there if you need it. bye"

Before I could say anything she turned around and went to her apartment, Jonathan was outside his door waiting, when Noah went to open her door Jonathan and her started talking, they hug and she goes into her apartment, and Jonathan looks at me,

"Well are you sleeping inside or outside tonight" He yells over to me I was still next to my car, I lock the car and start heading over to his door, we both go in and he goes straight to his room, I follow.

Jonathan POV:

we walk into my bedroom and i sit down on my bed and he sits down next to me.

"C-can you keep a secret?" I ask

"Yeah, I guess"

"When we were in the car, when I said we could talk about it later, if your my best friend I think I should tell you."

"You can tell me anything"

I dont wanna just tell him, I don't know how to, he wouldn't judge, would he, maybe, I don't know.

"Well awhile ago I had a pencil.."


"Now that pencil is broken..."

"Where are you going with this?" Is he clueless

"So ya know how a pencil is straight right?"

"Uh yeah?"

"Well my straight pencil is now broken"

"I have no idea where you are going with this Del" really is he dumb, am I not explaining this correctly?!

"Just sleep on it, ok?"


"Goodnight Evan!"

Ill tell him when we eventually get to Canada is he doesn't get it by then.

Evan POV:

I laid down on the couch, what did he mean his straight pencil is broken? his penis, WHAT NO EWW!! why would he tell me that. should I ask Noah, she might be asleep. Wheres Jon's phone, ill text her, I think he left his phone in the kitchen,I go into the kitchen and grab his phone and turn it on, his wallpaper was a cartoon version of me him, Mini, Moo, Terrorizer, Marcel,Lui, I swipe right to unlock it, thank god his phone doesn't have a passcode, I go into his contacts, I look at Noah's number and I add her to my contacts, than I shoot her a text.

E: Hey is Evan, Jonathan told me something and I don't understand where he was going with it.

I turn off my phone and put it in my pocket, I also turn of Del's phone and head to his room, I knock at his door.

"Come in"

I walk into his room, he was wearing black sweatpants and once again no shirt with his \ toned abs showing again.

"Ya left your phone in the kitchen" I say looking down I didn't want to look at him without his shirt it just made me feel weird in a way.

"Thanks" he said while grabbing his phone out of my hand, our finger brush against each other but only for a split seconds, when I look up he has a VanossGaming T-shirt on.



"My T-shirt?"

"What? you got good fabric for your shirts!"

"Whatever" I walk out of his room and back over to the couch. I pull out my phone and see that there a text back from Noah.

This might not be edited Im not sure😁

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