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Sydney POV: (ohhThis Is New)


I love Evan, and I know he loves me, I can tell he loves me. A couple nights before he left for North Carolina he got 'drunk' and we did it. I know he wasn't drunk, I know he wants this. (I'm sorry😂)

But this Jonathan guy is hot. His chocolate brown hair, bright blue eyes, his built body , he tall, and very sexy. I wouldn't mind him being inside me. (I'm very sorry😂😂) Me and Jonathan are gonna have a 'talk' Evan won't mind, me and him are not a 'thing' but he wants me.  (I can't breathe😂😂😂😂)

Jonathan leaves the room for a couple minutes, but comes back shortly after. Evan looks at me than at Jonathan.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" He says leaving the room.
"So what's your name 'Hot Stuff'" Jonathan say making me melt.
"Sydney" I say bitting my lip and walking closer to him.
"So what brings you here, 'Sydney'" he say deeply, witch sound so sexy from him.
"Well I came here to talk to Evan, but now I think I just found my new baby daddy" I say bitting my lip again and running my eyes up and down his body. He lets out a small, and very sexy chuckle. I take a step closer, and he takes a step back. "Why don't we go back to my place and 'hang out'" I say stepping closer.
"Sorry hot stuff I have shit to do today" he say tilting his head and making a sexy pouting face.

He is so going to be mine.

"Well maybe you should give me your number and we can talk sometime and we could plan a 'date'" I say.
"Nah sorry babe can't do that. Your my roommates ex girlfriend don't you think that could make me and Evans relationship awkward" he say putting a hand in his pocket. "I'm going to go check on Evan, I'll be back 'Sydney'" he say walking up stairs to where Evan went.

I have to get his number, I look around the kitchen and spot Evans phone, I grab it unlock it. He doesn't have a password witch is great. I go into his contacts and press Jonathan's information, I see his number and put it into my phone, I go to Evans messages to see who's he's been texting. But my luck, he cleared all his history of his messages.

I hear step form the stairs and I quickly turn off Evans phone and place it on the counter. Evan and Jonathan both walk into the kitchen.
"Well I'm going to be leaving" I say winking at Jonathan, and swaying my hips as I walk to the front door and leave.
Jonathan totally digs me.

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