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Jonathan POV:

After leaving the car place me and Tyler drive home and separate cars after.

After we got home Tyler wanted to go for a ride in my car so we we were out for 3 hours just driving. I'm surprised we didn't get pull over.

Evan POV:
It's been awhile.

After Jonathan left with Tyler I stayed in bed. And messed around with my phone for a bit. I feel guilty. I don't know why but I've been so depressed, I know I shouldn't. But I do it anyways. There's only a couple cuts, not deep, but thy will leave scares. I want to tell Jonathan, but how?

I get up and walk into the bathroom. I open the mirror cabinet and pull out a small blade. 'Should I throw it away?' 'I'll only get another one if I do' 'how can I get help?' All I these thoughts run threw my head, overwhelming me. I raise my wrist and look over the small cuts across my arm. I look back and forth from the blade to my arm, slowly.

'Why am I doing this'

I think to myself before slowly dragging the blade across my wrist. It hurts, But I don't care anymore, it numbs me for awhile. 2 cuts. I don't want to do anymore.

I grab some toilet paper and place it on my wrist for a bit.

When it stop bleeding I put on a black long sleeve shirt. I Go back to the bathroom and put the blade back into the cabinet. I go back to bed and go threw some social medias.

After awhile Jonathan and Tyler come back.

I hear them walk in threw the door laughing. It was dark out, around 9:48. After maybe 20 minutes I hear Jonathan come up stairs.

"Did you change?" He asks.

"It's got cold." I say, not looking up from my phone screen. I feel so guilty.

"We have blankets?" He says sitting down next to me.

"Eh" I say. I hate lying to him.

I hear the door open and Tyler walk in.

"You guys have a boring relationship" he say. I look over at Jonathan who is also on his phone. I smile.

Short, but simple.

What's your favorite song? I'll check it out if you comment.

Mine is either Gasoline by Halsey or Habits of My Heart by Jaymes Young✌🏻️👌🏻

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