Sick Day

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Jonathan POV:

I woke up feeling like shit. Evan was still holding me. I get out of his grip and go to the bathroom. I go over to the sink and look at myself. I feel like shit and look like shit. I have big bags under my eyes and my nose is red, My throat is scratchy and my stomach is fucked up feeling.

I leave the bathroom, and start feeling dizzy, I lean my hand against a wall for balance. When I straighten myself I walk over to the bed and lay back down, it's hot and I'm uncomfortable, when I look over at Evan, he is snuggles into the blanket, he is kind of shivering, he must be cold even though he has a huge blanket already on him.

I get up again and go to his closet, where he has a spare blanket. I walk back over to the bed and put it on him. I can't fall back asleep so might as well go down stairs. Before I could leave the room I get goosebumps all over and it starts getting cold really fast, I go back over to the closet and shuffle threw my bag for a jacket. I find my baby blue hoodie an put it on. And walk down stairs.

I unlock my phone and check my messages.
P for packers.
P: We should be arriving to the given address in a couple hours.

That was sent around 2 hours ago so they should be here soon. I go over to the couch and sit down, I start feeling hot again so I take off my jacket. I scroll threw Twitter just to waist time.

I hear a truck pull into the drive way. I put my jacket back in and get up and head to the front door. I open it as some one walks up to it. 

"Hello, Jonathan I'm Rick" he say putting out his hand for me to shake. I reach my hand out and shake his hand.
"Me and my partner Bill are here to unload your stuff, or would you like us to keep the truck here so you can unload the truck yourself?"
"Yeah you can leave the truck here and I'll give you a call when it can be returned" I say.
"Alright" he says giving me a nod and turning around and walking off the porch.

I close the door and pull my phone back out to look at the time. 8:30. I didn't realize it was this early. I take off my jacket again and I go back upstairs and into Evans room. When I walk in he's half awake and half sleep.

"Come" Evan says patting the bed side next to him.
"I don't want to get you sick. Sorry"
"Your sick" He say opening his eyes looking at me "Yeah you are sick. You look like shit by the way"
"Thanks babe" I say rolling me eyes. Evan gets out of bed and stretches.
"It's fucking freezing" Evan say waking over to me and wrapping his arms around me.
"You are really warm, to warm. What's your temperature?"
"I don't know, but your body against my body is to much heat for me" I say pulling away from Evans grip.
"Well you should get more sleep"
"I'm fine with that" I say.
"Well get some sleep. I'll come check on you here and there"
"Ok" I say laying down in bed.

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