Craig and Gay Shit

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Jonathan POV:

I heard Evan come in my room and close the door and lock it.

I'm so tired because last night after I came back up to my room Craig texted me around 2:30 we where texting all nigh,when I finally fell asleep it was 9:40am.

It's around 2pm now and I'm still tired and wanting to sleep. But I guess Evan had different plans.

Evans POV:

Jonathan is starting to fall back asleep, he will be up all night if he falls back asleep, I put my hand on his hip, I slowly go down his thigh and back up, going purposely under his shirt and going back down until Jonathan mumbles something.

"Stop, I'm trying to sleep" he whines, trying to moves away, I hook my arm around his back and pull him towards me so he can't move away.

He finally opens his eyes, his beautiful, bright blue eyes, I'd love to waking up to those eyes everyday for the rest of my life.

"Your finally awake" I says.

"I wanna go back to sleep" he whines again.

"To bad" I say. "I wanna cuddle"

"Why are you in here anyways, shouldn't you be downstairs with your mom and dad?"

"There arguing, I told my dad about us and he flipped" I say.

"How about your mom?" He says.

"She knew" I say.

He chuckles.

"Craig loves Tyler" he says out of no where. "That's why I was up all night, because Craig wouldn't shut up about his sexuality and all the gay shit"

"We should invite Craig over and Tyler and have a gay party" I say and Jonathan chuckles.

"We should" he says. I stare and Jonathan, he's looking at his hands which are on my chest messing with my shirt.

I take my hand off his waist and move it to his chin, I tilt his head up and he looks at me.

"I love you" I say.

"I love you too" he says back to me. 

I connect our lips, I kiss him softly and lovingly, with passion and Lust.

The kiss heats up. But his phone dings and he breaks the kiss.

"Really" I say. "You used to ignore everything"

"Yeah but it's Craig" he says.

I snatch his phone, and put it on my side of the bed.

"Give me my phone" he says.

"No, pay attention to me I'm bored" I say. (*Cough Cough* Supernatural reference)

Ok so I think I wanna wright another H2oVanoss Fanfic, (don't worry I'll finish this first)
It's gonna be about Evan and Jonathan had a one night stand and it's gonna go on from there.

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