Coming Out

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Evan POV:

My parents where in the living room, fully dressed, watching TV, I was still in my pajama pants with no shirt.

"Oh Even, Sweetie your awake!" my mom says standing up. "I was hoping you and your father would go out to day, you catch up with each other because its been awhile since you too have seen each other" she says clasping her hand together.

"Do we have to go out?" I ask, really not wanting to go.

"Don't be like that. Go get dressed so you two can leave" she says.

I groan in annoyance and walk back upstairs to get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a shirt and one of Jonathan's blue hoodies that was hanging up. I slipped it on, and smelled like his cologne. His Jacket was a little big on me, it was really big on him too.

I hear soft knocks on the door, I turn to look and see my mom.

"Im very disappointed in you Evan Fong" she says crossing her arms.

"What did I do this time, mom" I say jokingly.

"Not telling me you were dating Jonathan" she says. I turn to her my eyes wide.

"H-How did you, what?" I stutter not knowing how she new or what to say.

"Im your mother, I know everything" she says "I see the way you look at him, and i see the way he looks at you"

"what do you mean?" I say.

"When you randomly stare at him, when you two past each other and he looks back at you and smiles, when your hands brush each others, and how your wearing his jacket right now, I can keep going if you'll like"

"Its Fine" I say.

"Im telling you to go out with your father because you have to tell him" she says. I look at her.

"Are you crazy, he'll kill me, he's so homophobic, He Might Hurt Jonathan!"

"he won't" She says, she leaves the room.

I finish getting readying and met my dad downstairs.

"Ill meet you in the car, I forgot my phone" I says.

My phone was in my pocket , I just wanted to say bye to Jonathan. I softly knock on his door, he doesn't answer, knock again a little louder, and still no answer, I open the door and see him peacefully sleeping in his bed. I would love to crawl into bed with him and sleep with him, but I can't, I walk over to the side of his bed and give him a kiss on his forehead.

I walk down stairs to my dads car and get in the passengers side. We pull out of the drive way and head down the street.

We drive for a bit in uncomfortable silence before he speaks up.

"You look gay in that jacket" he says scoffing.

"Thanks" I say, rolling my eyes. I never really liked my dad, I never agreed with his thoughts, he is one of those people who thing LGBT is disgusting and there shouldn't be equal rights, he is one of those people who think women should be seen and not heard, and he is racist, and I disagree with him, so I've never really liked him because he always wants his opinion to be heard. (I honestly hate people who feel the need to share there opinion witch is either rude, homophobic, sexist or racist)

"It's not a complaint" he says.

"Well I am gay so-" I was cut off by the car coming to a sudden halt.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He says, his face is red.

"Get out of the middle of the street first" I say. he pulls over to the side of the road, he looks at me.

"Are you trying to tell me that your gay?" he say.

"Yeah, since your dumbass hasn't figured out yet, and I'm dating Jonathan" I say, waiting for his reaction.

"Thats bullshit, your not gay, that boy is just putting stupid ideas and your head!" He yells.

"Im not a fucking child, I'm a grown ass man, I know how to think for myself" I yell back

"Your acting like a teenage boy who is experimenting, Evan Fong you are not fucking gay, not living under my roof!"

"Im not living in your house I have my own house, witch I play for, my name is on that house! Not yours, I pay every single bill in that house!"


"NOW YOUR MAKING STUPID SHIT UP" I yell back at him.

He starts driving again, going faster than he should, we are 15 minutes away from the house, its silent the rest of the was back.


We eventually get back home, we both slam the car door and go inside.

"Did you know" he says pointing a finger at my mom.

"Yes I did" she says crossing her arms and stepping back to keep distance.

"Jesus Fucking Christ" he curses.

"Evan, can you go upstairs please" she says lowing her tone towards me.

"No he is not going upstairs with that fagot!" He says.

"Go fuck yourself" I say, going up the stairs.

I reach the top, I can hear my mom and him arguing as I go up the stairs towards Jonathan's room.

I knock on Jonathan's door. He's still not answering his door, I open it and he is still in bed, asleep. I come in and close the door behind me and lock it.

I take of Jonathan's hoodie and climb into bed with him, he moves closer to me, swinging his arm around my waist.

I pull out my phone it's 2:30 pm and he is still asleep, I put my phone on the bed side table and pull Jonathan a little closer to me.

I feel him move around and him starting to wake up.

Ok, I'm so confused because Lui hasn't uploaded in 7 months, like where are you Boo?!

Word count: 1019

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