Drive Home

622 17 6

Jonathan POV:

Me and Evan stand up and stretch, then grab our over head luggage, because that's all we brought, and we made our way to the exit of the plane.

We walked off the plane and into the airport with our duffle bags. We walk threw the airport holding hand. The airport looked really empty. Evan must of know where he was going because he was leading the way.
"My car is in the parking lot"
"Ok" I yawn not realizing how tired I was till now.
"Is the baby tired" Evan teasingly says.
"Yes the baby is tired" I say pouting. We both chuckle and keep walking towards the parking lot. I take out my phone and looked at the weather. 64 degrees. That's not much of a difference from North Carolina.

We walk into the parking garage and Evan shuffles threw his bag, till he pulls out a set of keys. He clicks a button and a car alarm went of once.

"Found my car" He chuckles. We head to the sound and eventually find his car, we put are bags in his trunk and get into the front seat.

"My house is only 20 minutes away so make small talk with me so I don't fall asleep behind the wheel" He say starting to drive.
"What the fuck, Evan?! You slept most of that plane ride and your still tired"
"I took sleeping pills"
"That's would have been a good idea" I say. "But I'm tired anyways"
"Yeah" He say. We sit in silence for a couple minutes.
"Evan?" I say breaking the silence.
"Hhmmm" he hummed.
"What's your sexuality?" I ask looking straight ahead. He doesn't respond straight away.
"Bisexual" He say.
"Do your parents know?"
"You gonna tell them"
"Eventually" he says giving me a quick glance and a small smile. "5 more minutes and we'll be home"
"I think my stuff is coming next week" I say changing the conversation so it dosnt feel as awkward.
"Well that means we can share a bed"
"Even if my stuff was here we would probably share a bed"
"That is true" he say. "When we get home we can put our bags in the closet and go to bed and sleep"
"Ok" I say.

We pull into a drive way to a nice house, witch was once Evans grandparents he told me. We take our stuff out of the trunk and head to the front door, he unlocks the door and opens it. We step inside and he locks it again. We head upstairs to the master bedroom.

Evan puts his stuff in the closet and I do the same. He sits on bed and I sit next to him.
"I love you" Evan say taking off his shoes and shirt and moving to get under the blankets. I do the same and get under the blankets with him, we hold each other in the big bed. It's cold in his house but our body's together creates warmth which I love.
"I love you too" I say before we both drift off to sleep.

More will be posted over the weekend.
And I wanted to say how much I love reading the comment, especially the funny ones that some of you write.
I love the comments that these to leave. I love opening Wattpad and seeing the comments! I will respond to questions and other things I just love that people will leave them😝😊
Also THANK YOU for 2k reads and 200 votes!!!!

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