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(Trigger Warning: this have some violent senses )

Jonathan POV:

I wake up with Evan arms still around my waist but this time I'm facing him now, we are so close we are practically breathing the same air. He is still asleep, I slowly get out of his arms, and head to the kitchen, I'm gonna make breakfast today. I get to the kitchen and start making pancakes, I flip 1 of the 6 pancake than fell hands go around my waist, Evan.

"Good morning" I say, he doesn't respond he just puts his head on my bare shoulder. I only now realize that I'm not wearing a shirt. His hands lowly go up my tan stomach, he gets to my chest and I stop him and turn around to look at him, are faces get very close.

W-what are you doing?" I ask, with a slight shaky breathe.

"Nothing" he says, his breath smells like strong alcohol now. 

"Have you been drinking? Its only 9:30 Evan" He doesn't answer, he just stares at me.

"What?"He didn't even respond he just slams his lips to make and forcefully, kissing  me, I would love this to happen, but pull back, I can taste the disgusting flavor of vodka. I push him off.

"What? you know you want it you little gay whore!" (Jesus Christ that was rude, I didn't mean anything) he says harshly almost yelling at me. those words, they bring back so many memories, of my mother and father. They never liked that I was gay. They alway called me a gay whore.

"Fagot" he say hasher than before. I fall to the ground crying, I'm an emotion wreck, Evan could never love me. I look up to see Evan standing straight above me, he just stares at me till he kicks me hard in the stomach causing me to loose my breath. Its happening again I'm coughing up blood. Evan just starts laughing and keeps kicking me, and laughing.

STOP! I try an yell but he doesn't listen.

Evan POV: 

I wake up with Jonathan in my arms, I don't remember falling asleep like this, but I'm fine with it. His back is falling me and it looks like he is curled up into a ball, he shivering. I get out of bed and put a blanket on Jonathan, a single tear fall from his eye, and he mumbles "stop" in a shake breath. He must be dreaming. I came down from Canada to help him pack no be his roommate, I guess Ill start packing his stuff. He has 3 rooms, his room, his gaming room and another room witch I've never been in. I look for some boxes. I finally find some, they where in side a closet. I'm being curious, what could be in that other room? I head towards the door, but I stop at Jonathan's door, he awake now, but he still curled in a ball. sobbing. I walk into his room.

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