Its Ok

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Jonathan POV:

I woke up in Evans arms, his warm embrace. I can hear my phone ringing from somewhere, I slowly get out of Evans arms. I get out of bed and my feet touch the cold, wood floor.

I go down stairs and see my phone. I pick it up. It's the hospital that I went to before I came here.

I answer.

"Yes, hello is this Jonathan?"
"Um yes"
"Did you ever get your blood drawn since you've moved, I see on your record you haven't gone to a hospital, is this true?"
"Yeah, I forgot"
"Well as your doctor, I would like you to go and do that Jonathan, doctors orders"
"Goodbye Jonathan, have a nice day"
And I Hang up.

Might as well get it out of the way and do it now.

3 hours later

I got my blood drawn, and the doctor said that I had nothing to worry about, everything was fine. Everything was Ok.

I also got some groceries, because the guys ate almost everything in the house.

Any requests?

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