
423 16 12

Jonathan POV:

I get up out of bed and walk to my room with my gaming set up, I grab my laptop and charger than go to my room. I sit in my room for hours just in silence.

3 hours later:

I grab my phone and open my window. It's a small fall so if I jump out it won't hurt. 

I jump out and start walking down the street. I just keep walking. Before I know it the sun is setting. I walk around some more. The wind is cool and it's getting darker. No one was there, I sat down on the park bench. It's nice outside. The weather is cool and the sky is pink and dark blue.

I sit on the park for around 40 minutes, before getting up and heading back home, it was now very dark outside and I don't feel safe.

I walk over to my bedroom window and climb up. I sit down on my bed.

I hear footsteps come up the stairs. I lock my door and close my window. I hear soft knocks on the door. I just ignore them.

I pull out my phone and text Sydney.

J: Meet me at the park tomorrow at 11

I turn off my phone and try to fall asleep, but every time I close my eyes, all I can see is Evan kissing that girl. I get almost no sleep that night.

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