Always Interrupted

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Jonathan POV:

The doorbell rings 2 other times, but me and Evan ignored it, knowing it would probably be Sydney again, or if it's someone else, they'll go away eventually.

Evan is slowly moving up and down, causing friction. Evans kissing me with so much passion. I let out other soft moan into the kiss.

I pull Evan closer to my body, making more friction, I gasp at the feeling, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

The door bell rings one more time, once again me and Evan ignored it.

Then whoever it at the door starts banging at it.

Evan breaks the kiss.

"Again" he says, sounding annoyed.

I'm annoyed to, now that the guys are gone, me and Evan have privacy, but every time we want to use that privacy it's seem to always get interrupted by someone.

Evan slowly gets off me.

"I'll go see who that is" He says.

Evan leaves the room, without Evan on top of me I feel cold, I didn't put on a shirt.

I find a shirt and put it on. And head down stairs.

I hear Evan talking to someone, his voice is low, so I can't hear him.

I walk down the stairs and see in the door way, a women, shorter than Evan, same chocolate eyes as him. Almost a perfect resemblance of Evan.

They keep talking, until she spots me and tilts her head.

"You got a roommate?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

Evan turns around and looks at me.
"Uh yeah, this is Jonathan, ya know from my videos" he says.

She gives me a warm smile, I smile back.

"For a second I thought you had a boyfriend, your father would of flipped" she laughs.

Evan lets out a small, fake laugh and rubs the back of his neck.

I have a feeling Evans parents are homophobic, or they don't want there son to be like that. I don't care that he's lying about me to his parents, honestly I would have done the same.

My parents never knew I was gay.

"So why do you have a roommate?" She ask.
"It got lonely I guess" he say back.
"Well your father is getting the suitcase out of the car" she says.
"How long are you gonna be staying?" He asks.
"As long as we feel like it" she says "I'll go to the quest bedroom, me and your father will be going out tonight, so you can clean this place that you call home" she pats Evans shoulder and walks up the stairs.

Evan sighs and rubs his forehead.

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