Just a Day

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X Im going to make this a really long chapter so get comfortable!

Jonathan POV:

It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when Evan got a text, we were sitting on the couch watching TV and doing random things on our phones.
"Mmhh" I hummed not looking away from my phone.
"Can I go out tonight?"
"Why" I say drawing my attention to Evan and not my phone.
"It's friends from hockey and we are going to the club" he pauses "If you let me go?"
"I don't care" I say "why are you asking?"
"Just to make sure"
"When will you be leaving?"
"Around 8 o'clock" he say. I'm fine with him going out. I know I can trust him. I hope.
2 Hours Later:

Evan gets ready to go out with some of his hockey friends I'm not worried I know he won't do anything if he really does love me.

"If you get drunk tonight, can you promise me sometimes" I ask.
"Yeah, what?"
"Don't hook up" I say
"I don't want to hook up I have you" he say.
"And don't get drunk and drive home" I say. "Either text me or get a sober friend to drive you"
"I will" he says giving me a small kiss and heading out the front door.


Around 2 hours later I'm home and Evan is still out at the club. Yesterday Evan showed me where my room is and where my gaming shit will be. So I started unpacking. I started with my room first.

I somehow got my bed frame and mattress up to my room with out breaking anything. I put the bed frame against the wall and put the mattress on. I get my side desk out of the truck and put it next to my bed. I grab my laundry basket after that then I'm done with my room.

I go back out the the truck and grab my important stuff. My gaming set up. I grab my 3 boxes of gaming set up and put them in the room. I go back out to the truck and grab the box of parts for my gaming desk, I'm going to have to rebuild it. It's a dark wood desk, witch will hold my monitors, camera, PS4, keyboard and controller.

I build the desk and undo all the wires and set everything up. After maybe, an hour I'm done with everything. I turn it on and I see that Nogla and Lui are online playing GTA. I want to join but I need my headset and chair first. I get the chair out of the truck and put it inside. I go back out to the truck and lock it up. I only have a couple boxes left in there. The rest of the boxes have some frames, cloths and some fan art.

I bring my chair upstairs and pull it up to my desk. I plug my headset into the computer and go online to play GTA with Lui and Nogla. As soon as I'm in the game I can hear yelling coming from both of them. Nogla has a bounty on him and Lui is trying to get it. They didn't even notice I was in the game so I turn my microphone off so they can't hear me. Nogla is in a helicopter and I'm not sure where Lui is. I aim a rocket launcher at the helicopter and shoot. It hits Nogla and everything goes quiet before I hear my name being yelled.

"YEAH WE THOUGH YOU WOULD NEVER RETURN!!" Lui yells even louder.

The 3 of us start play together and talking about life, me and Evan, when are we gonna tell the rest of the group because now only Lui and Nogla know we're dating, and know what I look like, besides Evan.


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