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Jonathan POV:

I woke up hours before Evan did, I couldn't fall back asleep. My back hurt and my shoulders hurt. I want Evan to stay with me.

Around 9 o'clock Evan woke up. He didn't say anything, he just held me. I wanted to cry again but I held back my tears. He started running his fingers across my shoulder, gently so he hurt me. It relaxes me, I lean my head against his chest.

"Are you ok" he say, still running his fingers along my shoulders.
"No" I say quietly.
"I'm sorry" he says.
"It's not your fault, he crazy"
"Why is he only coming around now?"
"He probably just got out of jail"
"Attempted Homicide" I say. "A lot has happened in my past that I'm not ready to talk about"
"When your ready I'll be here" he say.
"I'm going to be down stairs if you need me" he says starting to get out of bed.
"Don't leave me alone, please"
"Ok" he says getting back into bed with me. We fall back asleep holding each other.


I wake up again, only without Evan, I can hear him moving around down stairs. I shift around and grab my phone I have 2 messages. From Sydney.

S: I know you and Evan are a thing.

There was a video attached, I hesitate to play it, not knowing what I could play. I play it anyways.

It was a 10 second video. I can feel my heart break. It was a video recording of Evan, and some random girl. The night Evan went out to the club with some friends. He was kissing a girl. I don't know what my emotions are to this. I'm hurt, I'm upset, I'm mad. He was drunk, he might not remember, or, He could be keeping this from me.

Short but simple

Question: what's your favorite social media?

Every new chapter I'll ask a question for fun.

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