I Don't Know

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Jonathan POV:

Evans parents leave a couple hours later.

"Me and your father will be out for a couple hours, to see what's changed, maybe around 10 or later" she says smiling to Evan and walking out the door.

It's 6:30 now, I go up to my room, that Tyler was staying in. It still look pretty clean.

I have a feeling I'll be sleeping here because of Evans parents.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I take out my phone and see it's a text from Sydney.

S: Why are you a virgin?
J: why are you ask me this?
S: Just wondering
S: Like sex is great
J: Umm ok
S: U should fuck Evan
S: He's good at 👉🏻👌🏻
J: Jesus Christ Sydney really
S: sorry
S: but seriously why are you a virgin?
J: I'm actually not sure, because I am I guess
S: do u think u and Evan r gonna get married?
J: idk maybe
S: just have sex with him, if it doesn't work out then fuck someone else
J: I'm gonna go now
S: while your gone, fuck Evan!!
J: bye Sydney
S: Bye Boo

I plop down on my bed, and put my phone on my bed side table.

I used to always sleep in this bed alone, now I'm used to Evans bed, and his figure next to me. His warm touch, even when it's cold it the house, I always seem to feel warm when he holds me.

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