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Jonathan POV:

I walk back to my room and lay down. I miss laying down next to Evan, I miss him holding me, his lips. It's only been 2 days and I'm so depressed.

I hear a knock at my door, I get up and open the door.
"Where did you go today?" He asks, his mood has changed.
"To the park, why?"
"Was someone in your room today?" he says crossing his arms.
"Thats none of your business"
"Well you are in my house"
"A house that you wanted to share with me!"I say raising my voice.
"If you really loved me than you tell me these types of things!"
"Well if you really loved me YOU wouldn't of cheated on me!!" I yell.
"Well maybe I don't love you"
"Well, that explains a lot" I say. I slam the door and lock it, right in his face.

I grab my duffle bag and start filling it with cloths and my charger and computer. I grab my shoes and walk down stairs. I pull out my phone and dial Sydney. After 3 rings she picks up.

S: Hello?
J: Hey Sydney can you come pick me up?
S: Yeah, sure, why?
J: I'll tell you when you get here
S: Ok be there soon

I walk over to the front door only to be stopped by Evan

"Where are you going?!"
"Somewhere and its none of your business" I say trying to shove past him, but he stops me. "Don't make me put my hands on you, Evan" I spit out his name.
"Do it" he say getting close to me. His breath smells like alcohol.
"Wow you've been fucking drinking again" I say rolling my eyes. "Might as well go hook up with another bitch your never gonna see again. Now move" I say.
"No" he says. I'm getting pissed off now, I shove Evan, hard, and open the door.  I see Sydney's car in the drive way.

I jog over to her car and get in, putting my stuff in the back. We drive in silence, till she breaks it.

"I could hear you guys from outside..."
"Oh" I say. I feel like crying. I want to crawl into a dark hole and just stay there.

We eventually arrive at her place. We pull into her drive way. And head inside. 

"I have a guest bedroom, I'll be in my room, if you need be just yell" She says.

I go into the guest bedroom and sit down on the bed. It's getting late and I try to sleep.

But I Can't.

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