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I just want to say something, I wish I had a love life like this😩

3 days later.

"Evan! Wake up" I say lightly shaking him.
"5 more minutes Mom" Evan say  covering himself in the blankets.
"We might miss our flight, Evan!" I say yanking the blanket off of him.
"Uuhhggg! What time is it"
"4:30" I say "Now! Get dressed or I'll dress you ya lazy shit!"
"Dress me" he says rolling over pulling the blankets back over him. I pull the blankets of, and slap his ass, hard.
"Get Up Fong!" I yell and laugh.
"OOOOWWWWWW" he yells, "Your gonna regret that Denis"
"Why would I regret that"
"Because your gonna live with me" he say getting out of bed and stretching.
"Whatever" I say, taking off my shirt and putting on a new one on, and changing my pants. I look over at Evan who only has his shirt on and still his PJs pants.
"How the fuck did you just get dressed so fast?!"
"Because getting dressed doesn't take long"
"But still! Before I had my shirt off you where in PJs and when I put my shirt on your dressed!"
"Stop being jealous that I'm better than you" I laugh, walking over to him pulling him into a hug. He hugs back we lean against each other, it's a nice hug, we are both 5'11 but Evan is like maybe a hair taller than me.
"Now finish getting dressed. I'll put the bags in the car" I say picking up our bags.
"Ok" I hear him say while I pick up the bags and head out the door.

I put the bags into the trunk of my car, my car is somehow going to get to Canada. It's going to be a one flight, I never rode a plane before and don't have a fear of planes or anything it's just the idea of being 1000s of feet above the ground in a thing that could easily loose an engine, it's just nerve wracking.
I head back up to my room and open the door, only to be tackled my Evan to the ground, he pins me to the ground while the door slowly closes and locks, when the door closed Evan slammed his lips to mine, I kiss back, Evan licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I denied, and kept kissing, pretending that he didn't ask I slip my leg between his two and rub my leg against his crotch taking him by surprise, he pulls away from the kiss.
"What was that" I say, with a little smirk on my face.
"I got bored" he say. I roll my eyes. "Your always bored, Evan"
"I know" he says getting off of me, I feel cold when when he left my embrace.
"Let's go"
"ALRIGHT!!" He say. We leave our hotel room and check out of the hotel. We have to drop my car off somewhere so it can get to Canada, then we have to take a cab to the airport. I'm feeling upset, I'm leaving Katie with Noah. Katie is getting old and I don't want to put her threw a plane ride and a new place because I know that she getting sick so Noah offered to keep Katie so she could go to the vet easier. I'll miss both of them, I said bye to Noah yesterday when I went out to lunch with her. We both cried. I know I'll see her again, it's just hard leaving everything behind. But it something new.

Time Skip to the Airport

We arrive at the airport with a cab, I tip the cab driver, then we walk into the airport and get our tickets and stuff, we got our bags checked and we went threw security. We still had 30 minutes before our plane would be ready, we sat down close to where we will be boarding. I can tell Evan is tired, he is quiet and he has big bags under his eyes.
"You ok babe?"
"Yeah just tired" he say his voice is soft.
"You can sleep on the plane, you want anything to eat?"
"No thanks" he say putting his head on my shoulder, I lean my head in his and we sit in silence, we intertwine our fingers and make small talk. We got some looks, some with sweet, warm smiles and some with disgust, but mostly warm smiles, I don't care what other people think, I love Evan and he loves me. I Hope.
"Flight 57 (IDK😁) now boarding" a women says over the speakers. I get up and Evan slowly follows after me we show our tickets and get on the plane. We put our carry on luggage above us, we were in the front of the plane so there was only 2 seats in the first 6 rows witch was good so we didn't have to sit next to anyone else we didn't know. Evan got the window seat and I got the outside seat. The rest of the people boarding the plan sat in there seats and waited for the plane to take off. A women came in front of the plane and explained the safety, I didn't really pay attention I was just looking at Evan who was looking out of the window.
"Good morning Lady's and Gentlemen I'm and Jake your Pilot for this fight, this is going to be a 1 way trip from North Carolina to Toronto Canada, this will be around 52 hours so get comfortable, we will be talking off shortly" the pilot says over the speakers.

"So tell me about we you live" I say breaking the silence from me and Evan.
"Well I live in a big house, it's lonely. When my grandparents died they gave the house to my parent but they decided to give it to me, I'm not sure why though. But you'll be with me so now the house won't be so boring and quiet"
"Cool" I say "If you want you can sleep now"
"Can you wake me up at around 1:30?"
"Sure" I say. It is now 6:45, so he'll have around a 6 hours to sleep. He leans his head on my shoulder and closes he eyes and holds my hand, the plane starts moving so we are about to take off, I'm not feeling anxious like I thought I would, I just feel calm. The plane starts speeding up on the run ways and we start hitting bumps, Evans grip tightens on my hand, I smile a little bit at our hands, they plane takes of so now we are in the air, I just sit there. I'm thinking. I'm thinking about Evan, my new life with him. Me and Evan are moving really fast, we have been only dating for a couple weeks and we are already moving into together, Everything will work out. I Hope.

I'm sorry for not updating for awhile so I give you 2 new chapters. I'm having insane writers block so leave suggestion in the comments please!!!!

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