Midnight Texts

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Jonathan POV:

It's 12:30 at night. I've been in my room sense 10 pm, I can't sleep. I feel paranoid, and just uncomfortable, I want Evan sleeping with me.

But his parents, I don't want to ruin that, when they leave it will be back to normal, me and Evan sleeping together, me and him kissing.

I'm tossing and turning. I grab my phone and headphones and I turn on some music.

I get a text, From Evan.

E: I miss you
J: I'm right across the hall from you
E: Sooo?
E: watcha doin?
J: listening to music
E: why?
J: I can't fall asleep
E: oh
J: yeah

Evan doesn't respond after that I turn over and face the wall. I pull the covers over me because I'm freezing. I close my eyes and try to go to sleep.

A couple minutes later I feel my bed shift, I pull out my head phones and turn over.

In the dimly lit room I can see Evan.

"It's lonely in the bed without you" he whispers.

He gets out the the bed and walks over to the door, and locks it, he comes back over and climbs into bed with me.

I feel warmer now that Evan is with me, he pulls me closer. I love this.

Have a nice chat with someone in the comments, just for fun!!

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