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Jonathan POV:

2 week later:

It's been 2 weeks and I'm still staying at Sydney's house, she's nice company, she very different from when I first met her.

I've been so depressed, I have a loss of appetite, I Lost interest in some other things. Ive lost interest in everything.

"Jonathan?" I hear Sydney yell out.
"I'm making breakfast what do you want?" She asks.
"I'm not hungry" I say walking into the living room.
"I haven't seen you eat all week it's not healthy" she says
"I just don't feel like eating"
"Fine" she says.

A Couple Hours Later:

"Wanna watch a movie?" Sydney asks.
"Sure" I say.
"I have the DVR hooked up in my room, so are you fine with watching it in there?"
"Yeah, I'm fine with that"
"I'll get it ready" she says heading to her room.

I walk to my room and grab my phone I have so many texts from Evan. But I just ignore them. I start heading to Sydney's room, I start getting light headed and dizzy, I lean against the wall till I can see straight again. I walk into her room and feel light headed again, I lean against her door frame witch gets her attention, her eye widen.

"Oh My God Jonathan your so pale! Are you sure your ok?" She asks, she sounds worried.
"I-I'm Fi-" I couldn't finish my sentence, I lost control over my body, I fall to the floor than everything goes black.

Sydney POV:

I hear Jonathan walk in. In the corner of my eye I can see him leaning against the door frame, I look over at him and My eyes widen.

"Oh My God Jonathan your so pale! Are you sure your ok?" I ask.
"I-I'm Fi-" he didn't finish, he fell to the ground.

I jump out of bed and dash over to him.
"Jonathan?! Jonathan?!" I yell.
No response. I pull out my phone and dial 911.

S for Sydney and O for 911 operator.

O: 911 what is your emergency?
S: my friend! He just collapsed out of now where!

I start crying and panicking.

O: ok ma'am please calm down, does he have a pulse?
I pull my 2 fingers in his neck and feel for a pulse
S: he has a really faint pulse
O: is he breathing?
I put my ear over his mouth.
S: kind of but not really.
O: ok ma'am help will be there in 2 minutes stay on the line with me, make sure he keeps breathing till help is there alright
S: okay
O: do you know why he collapsed?
S: no
O: does he have any medical history like this?
S: not that I know of
I listen to his breathing and feel his pulse every couple seconds.

I soon hear sirens and I hang up the phone and run outside waving my hands, they pull up and 3 men come out of the ambulance, I run back inside and they all follow me to where Jonathan is.

They put him on a stretcher and carry him quickly to the ambulance. They load him in and start hooking him up to the Machines.

"Ma'am can you follow behind us to the hospital? We need all the room in the back?
"Ok" I say.
"He's in shock!" I hear one of the men shout before slamming the door closed and driving off. I'm crying hard now. I run inside, I grab my keys and my phone and I run out to my car.

I pull out and start heading to the hospital. I take my phone out and start calling Evan. I call 3 times and no answer.

"God Dammit Evan" I yell throwing my phone to the seat next to me. I keep driving. I ran 2 red lights trying to get to the hospital.

I pull into the parking lot of the hospital and run inside, I run up the the lady at the front desk.
"Is Jonathan here?!" I ask.
"He only got here a couple minutes ago, doctors don't know what's wrong yet"
"Ok" I say backing up.

I start pacing back and forth running my fingers threw my hair. I run back out to my car and grab my phone, I dial Evans number again, I call 5 times and still no answer. I send him a text but it doesn't go threw. His phone is off. I walk back into the hospital and sit in the waiting room.

1 Hour Later:

I sit in the waiting room chair with my knees up to my chest. A doctor walks out and comes over to me, I raise my head and stand up.

"Are you here with Jonathan?"
"Yes! What's wrong with him?!" I ask.
"He was severely dehydrated, witch caused him to fall into cardiac arrest, witch also caused shock, and now he has fallen into a coma. I'm sorry, we are not sure when he'll wake up" he say.

I can't say anything, I start crying.

"Can I ask you a couple questions?" He asks, I just nod my head.
"When was the last time that you know of, that he drank or ate anything?"
"I'm not sure, he started staying at my place only 2 weeks ago and he hasn't eaten anything since" I say. He writes something down on his clip board then raises his head again.
"Do you know the reason he stopped eating and drinking?"
"I think he lost his appetite because he was very depressed and I offered him food and water but he just always says he was never hungry"
"Why was a depressed?"
"Breakup" I say. He writes some more things down and looks back up at me.
"Jonathan is not in a stable condition right now, so I'm sorry I can't let you see him right now"
"I understand" I say.
" I'll let you know when you can" The doctor says walking away and I sit back down. I try processing what the doctors said.

He was severely dehydrated, witch caused him to go into cardiac arrest than shock, and now he's in a coma and the doctors don't know when he'll wake up. I start crying again, I pull out my phone 1 more time and dial Evan. No answer.

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