Chapter 2 - The Beginning of a New Life

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It was a year after the wedding of Angeles and Gérmen in Seville, and their are back to their lives in Buenos Aires, they return to their works. Angie continues to work at the Studio as a Songwriter and helps Pablo in the direction of it, Gérmen along with his engineering business helps in the financial and accounting part of the Studio.

The group of On Beat Studio after the success of the Seville Show had been invited to go on a "Grand Tour" that included a tour through Europe and one through the Americas. It was a all year of travel between many countries, a lot of work, but also a lot of joys. With them went Beto, so that there was always Simone that represents the Studio. Everyone was very fond of him, and although he was a little distracded, the trip was less annoying since every day with him were different: sometimes he forgot what time should they be in the place of the show and always arrived much earlier than it was intended, sometimes remembered the most hilarious things like singing and dancing in the middle of the street, in an interview, in the middle of the hotel corridor... but deep down everyone knew how Beto was and liked him like that: distracted, clumsy, playful. But there were times he was just firm and disciplinary, especially as far as music was concerned, but if he were not like that, it would not be Beto, that they knew and loved. Everyone was happy with this trip because they could spend another year together, all of them after this tour had already an idea of ​​what they would do in the future:

- Violetta would accept Pablo's invitation, and follow in the footsteps of Angie, she will be a music teacher in the Studio and would help Pablo in whatever it was necessary, as well as continue to compose her songs;

- Leon would continue to compose and play with the Band recording in the Studio that now had a record studio of it's own, the band were rehearsing in Art Rebeld; he would also help Diego and Gregorio in Art Rebeld and also help Pablo in the Studio when necessary;

- Francesca and Diego would work with Gregorio on Art Rebeld looking for new talents. Francesca would also be working in recording her first album with Brenda's help;

- Broduei received an invitation from Pablo, by suggestion of Gregory, and would be the next dance teacher of the Studio;

- Camila despite wanting to continue dancing and singing decided to go to college and take a course in economics / accounting, although she continues to frequent the studio and help whenever necessary;

- Maxi was invited by Youmix to work with them as a producer, which made Naty jump for joy because they would end up working together, since she would also work for Youmix as a songwriter;

- Frederico would return to Italy where he would continue his music career, and Ludmila after all she's gone through, would live with him, trying his Italian fate as an actress/singer;

- Andrés would continue in the Band, and he created a Blog that he called "On Beat First Generation" where he would put interviews with the group, videos with songs that they sung together, rehearsals and all the news of this magnificent group of friends that they were;

They all had a plan for the future, now that they would cease to be students in the Studio, but nevertheless everyone knew that no matter how much their individual projects separated them, that would never affect the friendship they had built over the years.

Pablo continued to be the studio's director; he married Brenda who also worked as producer and recording director of the Studio, since by Violetta's suggestion, the Studio had managed to create his own label. Both were in charge of the production and accompaniment of the band of the boys, and other record projects that the Studio had endeavored to create, like the solo album of Francesca.

A few months after the wedding, Angie discovered something wonderful: she was pregnant. It was something unexpected, something she had not planned, but at the same time that she always wanted. But even though she was happy, she was also a bit afraid: she did not know what Germen's reaction would be, although nothing was planned she did not know if he would want this child, or even if he wanted more children. She knew, and was sure, that he loved her but had never talked about that.

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