Capítulo 11 - Hope is the last one to die

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Angie found herself again in a garden, but she was no longer the same, in this everything was dead: the flowers, the trees, the grass, it seemed that everything had lost its color. It was a sad place, dark, unsettling, sinister even. No longer did she see the bench where they had sat with Maria, there was nothing that gave life to that place, suddenly sees Violetta and runs to her ... but no matter how much she runs and reaches out her hand can not reach both shout the name a Of the other. When he is about to get and feels Vilu's hand, he hears her say, "Auntie, I need you ... Help me please," and her hands slip ...

- VILU ... - and wakes up again ... this time she was sure it was a warning, Vilu needed her, something had happened. - Germen, love, wake up please ... call your mother.

- Angie, it's five o'clock in the morning ... and besides, if anything had happened, she'd called us."

- Germen ... please ...- and tears streamed down her face uncontrolled, though he thought it was all an exaggeration of Angie, after all it had been only a nightmare, but seeing her so distressed she resolved to put an end to that uneasiness, and phoned his mother.

- I'll cal her, if you're more rested ... but I still think that everything it's okay ... but please calm down.

- I do not know how to explain it to you but ... you know that sixth sense thing, that feeling all mothers have ... I feel like something has happened ...- and hugs Germen trying to get that feeling of protection he always Transmitted to him.

In Louis's office everyone stopped when they heard the telephone ring, no one had the guts to say anything, Rosário picked up the phone and shook. She could not tell her son that her granddaughter was in the hospital in a coma ... she just could not.

- It's Germen ... I can not talk ... I will not ...

- I can talk but ... it was better to be someone closer to him .- says Louis ... - whoever it is should not go into details, leave it for when they arrive .- No one is very willing to answer until ...

- I pick up ... - says Ludmila and pick up the phone ... - Hi Germen.

- Ludmila! - Germen begins to get a little agitated ... whyLudmila answered Rosario's phone, in fact what she was doing in Seville.- What are you doing in Seville and ...

- Yes, it's me ... and that does not matter now. Germen you have to go back quickly ... something has happened ... you have to go back ... Germen today ...

- Ludmila ... what happened? - Angie just repeated "It was Vilu, I know ... I feel ..." - Ludmila?

- There was a problem ... Vilu fainted we do not know very well why, they are doing tests.

- Vilu ... fainted how come? - Ludmila did not know what to say and started to cry ... - Ludmila how is she?

- Germen, come back soon, please ...-  and she no longer was able to cope, she began sobbing without being able to stop, and at that moment Louis picks up the phone.

- Good morning, I'm Louis Luzia's husband ... I'm a doctor and I've been talking to my colleagues ...

- What happened? How's my daughter?

- Well she fainted, but we are still waiting for my colleagues do know why. They are doing some more tests ... she is still unconscious ...

- What do you mean, unconscious ... what's the matter with my daughter? What the hell happened?

- Listen to Germen. I'd rather not go into details over the phone, because I do not know much more. When you arrive we will speak better.

- We're going to catch the first flight there ...- Germen shuts off and turns to Angie who is sitting on the floor with her arms around her knees and cries conclusively ... - Angie we have to pack ... listen I know that ... - and not knowing what to say, he sits down by her side and just hugs her and she returns the hug. They stay there for some time until Angie gets up ...

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