Capítulo 8 - And Everything Took the Truth <continuation 2>

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Violetta does not even want to believe ... she came back, and in that moment in the dark and dark tunnel where she was, Angie was the light that illuminated everything. He literally threw himself into her arms, almost throwing both of them to the ground ... Angie returns that hug with all the love she felt for Violetta. Meanwhile Clara was already in Rosário's lap waiting for her to have some treats too; Angie grabs Clara, who sees herself in her mother's arms and falls into a smile, and embraces the two loves of her life: Vilu and Clara. What no one knows and what she hides as well as she can is that she has not returned to stay ... and that this will be perhaps the last hug they will give for a while ... but why spoil that moment at that time ... Angie He dreamed of stopping time that minute ... at that moment when he had two of the people he loved most in his life ... to be perfect Germ was missing, yes that would be the moment in which he would stop time if he could, the moment In which the four were ... was taken from "dream" by a Violetta who was both crying and smiling.

- Angie you returned ... you returned ... you returned. I am so happy.

- Vilu my little one ... I ... - Angie can not say anything else, but she knows that she does not have much time, she does not know if Germ will be able to take Joseph away for a long time, and the last thing he wants is to have the "I did not come to stay Vilu, but I need to talk to you."

- No, Angie, you have to go back ... please ...

"Vilu," interrupts Rosário, "why do not they go to your room to talk." I'll stay with Clara if you want?

- No, I'd rather take it ... come Vilu?

Despite being sad, confused, completely lost in the midst of so many things happening at the same time Vilu came up with Angie and Clara. When she reached the room she could not help herself if she was falling apart and crying, she sat down on her bed, followed by Angie who carried Clara in her arms.

- Angie ... I ... no ... I realize ... it is ... everything ... to ... happen ... to ... even ... time ... I ... .not ... "Vilu could barely speak, it seemed that suddenly a hurricane of those very strong and that they knock everything had passed in his life, in his house and at any moment it would be without anything, without ceiling, without floor .

- Vilu, sorry, sorry the last thing I wanted was to make you suffer ... but ... oh my little one, sorry. And embrace her as if that gesture depended on her happiness.

- Do not apologize to me Angie, I know that this is complicated for you and that you just want to protect grandmother Angelica ... seriously I realize ...

"I can not let him ... let your grandmother know of ... Vilu, I can not let this happen because ... because she'll know of other things I've always hidden from her.

- Did you hide it? What does Grandma not know Angie?

"I ... hid ... things that made me suffer a lot. Your grandfather Miguel was not perfect, he did not always do things well. He adored your mother and always did everything for her. And when you were born ... O Vilu, all of it was honey with you.

Angie then began to tell and describe another person, someone Vilu did not recognize, someone different from the one her grandmother had described. An embittered person, disgusted even by what he had failed to take on for fear, for cowardice and that led him to despise and even sometimes trample his own daughter. Vilu was unresponsive, it was not the image he had of his grandfather, and he realized now why Angie wanted to hide everything, even more the need to hide. Now it all made more sense, it was not just the case of grandfather Miguel with grandmother Rosario, it was not just "Aunt" Luzia's existence ... it was much more than that, it was a lifetime of maltreatment that Angie had suffered.

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