Chapter 3 - The New Beginning (continuation 3)

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Angie and Gérmen, who continued to grumble, furious, shut themselves in the office. He sits down and she looks at him, smiling, waiting for him to calm down; he whispers, muttering for everything and nothing: for the kiss, for Violetta's attitude, for what she told him, what could have happened if he had not come in, for what it might have happened during the tour and he does not know, for Leon's attitude; for the attitude of Angie herself, for what she could have done and did not, for having allowed that courtship. When she finally sees that he was less nervous and agitated, because while he was like that nothing was worth saying, and for him to calm down it still took some time, but when she feels that Germen has already discharged all isr "rage" she approaches him and kisses him: a brief, slow-onset kiss with almost no time to feel their lips touch. Suddenly Angie walks away ...

- Germen, you can not be constantly beating yourself with Violetta. All this just for a kiss?

- Just a kiss! Angie, just a you find it little?

- It was a kiss ... - and getting closer, she gives him a passionate kiss.- It was a kiss just like this one, can you tell me what's so wrong about it?

- In this kiss nothing. Among them a kiss everything. All wrong.

- Germen ... they are young, they are in love, and it was a kiss, it was not ...

- Who knows what they would do more if I had not come. She's still a girl, I should never have allowed this courtship.

- Germen, no matter how much it costs you, Vilu has grown up, and she isn't a little girl any longer, she is a young woman and she is in love.

- She's my girl, and she's not old enough to date. No, this is going to end, it has to stop. I'm gonna end this today.

- Germen, you're not making sense ...- Germen begins to lose his temper.

- Am I not making sense? No this courtship does not make sense.

- My love you're missing the little reason you could have just ...

- Ah! So i'm right, you also think this dating thing, the kisses are wrong and...

- Yes and no, don't put words in my mouth. Vilu has grown and no matter how hard it is to accept it you have todo it. She as boyfriend and you have to deal with it the best way possible. But I also agree that we have to put limits, but it is not forbidding the courtship between them that you will be able to do .

- She's a little girl, and she's not yet old enough to date, what do you think about that as limit?

- Honey, she's not a girl anymore, and you're going to have to learn to share her love with others, and in this case with Leon. - And hold him.

Germen lets himself be embraced by Angie, who with all her love tries to comfort him. Although he does not want to admit it, he knows that Angie is right: Violetta is no longer a child, she is no longer his little girl. She has grown and he will have to accept that. More and more she will make her life without consulting him, without needing him, but for him who always lived for his daughter, it was difficult to have to let her go, to have to see her "fly" without being able to do anything to prevent this "flight". Angie realizes her anguish, for she herself had been through this feeling last year, and realized that Vilu no longer needed her to solve her problems but she realized, though Violetta did not need her every day, she knew she had a safe harbor in Angie. And this was what Germen would have to learn to do: to become a safe shelter for her daughter, someone who would be there whenever she needed it, and not someone who prevented her from living her life, no matter how many mistakes she made, no matter how many falls she gave. What he had to do was to be there: to support her in the falls and to hold her in the rough hours.

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