Chapter 3 - The New Beginning

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Violetta arrived on that day after an intense year of concerts, trips across several continents and countries; and in her house they were all anxious for her return: first of all only because of the joy that she gave that house, her voice that they all sounded everywhere singing and enchanting everyone, for the homesickness that everyone felt of her; but mainly because she would have waiting for her, Clara, her little sister who had been born two months ago.

Clara was usually a very quiet baby, she only cried when she was hungry or when she had colic. The first time Clara had them, Gérmen claimed that she had inherited the gift of family singing, and in fact Clara had a very soft cry that sounded like the sound of a melody, even when she had the terrible colics, when they heard that comment nobody could deny it , and they all agreed that she had her mother's and sister's talent. At this time of colic the only thing that calmed her was to hear Angie sing, it seemed that she too had been born with music in her soul. Germen was a very attentive father and loved to walk with Clarita, as she was affectionately called, constantly on his lap; he would tell him about Vilu, how would her sister will always be ready to defend her, how she would sing for her to fall asleep; and so many other things that seemed so insignificant to such a small baby. Angie was always thrilled to hear these conversations, not that Clara noticed, but it was funny to hear her moaning and sounding like she was responding; however, although she did not want Germen always to walk with Clarita in her arms, she could not be angry with him because she loved to hear these "conversations" between father and daughter.

Olga and Ramalho both had their turn to take care of her and the discussions between them now had one more theme - who takes care of Clara; but they felt happy to be a part of this family. Angelica went every day to see her granddaughter, first because she loved to care of her, or just to look at her , that doll that she felt like was a little her's, and because it gave Angie the chance to rest for a few hours, especially on the days when Clarita had the"famous" colic, since at this point, Angie stayed many nights in white to treat Clara, although Gérmen woke up only she was able to calm her; but she liked to know that she had the support of Germen, even though he was just sitting there looking at them with those brown eyes half-sleepy but full of love, affection, tenderness, affection, pride ... which often made Angie smile and feel more and more in love. Someone knock on the door, Angie descends the stairs with Clara, and Olga says:

- I'm going ... it's my Little Girl, it's my Little Girl. She says, while Angie laughs, for it was still early, but all that anxiety, uneasiness, nervousness was normal; the homesickness was enormous and everyone waited for the moment of her arrival. Vilu's absence was obvious to everyone in the house.

- Thank you Olguita, but it's still early for Vilu to arrive. - Olga opens the door, not listening to was just Angelica - Mom, you're early.

- Is Vilu already arrived? Am I very late? - She come in hurriedly greetting Angie and give Clarita a kiss.

- No, Mom, it's still early. I do not know who's more upset if you're Olga.

- I thought i was late, and I'm not nervous, I'm anxious.

- Take it easy that soon your granddaughter will come; Germen went to fetch her ... she will be here soon. - He laid Clara in the small crib that had been installed in the living room. - Calm down, you'll have your two granddaughters together today.

- I can not believe...-Tears fell.

- In what mom?

- After all that has happened: the death of Mary, the death of your father ... and today I will have my two beautiful granddaughters toghether...- she hugs Angie. - But I thought I was already late ... and Ludmila, does she also comes with Germen?

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