Capítulo 9 - The Reunion <continuation 1>

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Meanwhile at the Hotel Violetta she was in a "rage" she could not sit still in the same place for a long time, she would look at the cell phone almost every second of the second ... Rosario, who played with Clara in her lap, would look at her and smile.

- Your sister is still going to do harm to your father Clarita ...-  and the little girl, even though she did not know what her grandmother was saying, was laughing at the faces she made ... - we're still going to have a hole in the floor with so much she's spending it , And that phone does not know if it will work for long ...

- Grandmother, do not say such things? I'm ... anxious, that's all ...

- Anxious little Vilu. If you're just like that because you're going to travel with him ... - and turning to Clara again ...- I do not want to imagine it on the day of the wedding ...

- Grandmother!- Her cheeks immediately flushed, but looking at her grandmother, she laughs at the image of her marriage and Leon's, and kneeling beside her grandmother ... - Do you think he's coming? He was so disappointed that I could not ...

- That you could not leave your sister, to defend her, to protect her? If he loves you Vilu, as you love him, I'm sure he did not even think twice ... - and gives him a fondness on the face ... Clara who does not want to stay out begins to smile and laugh at Vilu, who can not also smile with that giggle of his sister.

- But what if he ...- and at that moment they knock on the door of the room where they are, it was those rooms that had in addition to a bedroom a small living room ... opened and saw the father ... - Dad! Did he came? Please tell me something?

- Let's eat? I'm starving ... and you, my love, have eaten ... - and ignoring Violetta completely, she turns to Clara, who laughs when she sees her father.

- Dad. -  Vilu shouts. - He did not come because no ... I knew, he was angry with me ...

- I did not say anything like that, did I? - and turning to Clara smiles at him ... - but let's eat, I'm really hungry.

- No, I've lost my hunger, you go. - Vilu responds going to the sofa with tears in his eyes ...

- Oh no ... Mrs. Violetta, you're going to eat ... and excuses to make a face ... we go ahead.

- I do not want dad... I can not eat ...

- I think we have to ... - and looking at Rosario flashes his eye ... - Clara prepare yourself, this will be your first session of ... - and they approach each one of her side ... - ... tickle at your sister ... - and they all tickle Violetta, as she laughed, Clara laughed even louder ... - So let's eat, because seriously I'm really hungry.

- All right, let's go, but you're going to pay for this attack.

And so the four of them go down to the Hotel's restaurant, what Vilu did not know is that Leon waited for them in the restaurant; Everything was combined between the two: while Germ rose to fetch them, Leon would stay in the hotel restaurant waiting ... when they get there Germ does on purpose and speaks her name very loud ... had been the combination between him and Leon.

- Vilu ... how about another tickle attack?

- No, dad... I came down as you asked, but you can not make me eat ...-  Vilu had his back to Leon, who had hidden until he saw them, so she did not see him when he approached.

- So what if instead of a tickling attack ... it was a kissing attack on those cheeks ...- putting some emphasis on the word cheeks, Leon looked at him and noticed the message ... - but I think you'll like this attack done by another person.

As he signaled her to turn, Vilu could not believe ... Leon. He was right there, he had come ... she looks at her father, then at the love of her life and literally flies to her neck. When she finally lets him out, she looks him in the eyes ... those green eyes where she loves to get lost, and the most beautiful smile she ever saw ...

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