Chapter 13 - Committed Return (Continuation 1)

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At Pablo's house, when the phone rings for the first time, Angie does not answer he knows it's Germ and at that moment she does not know what to tell her. She decides to get up and go talk to Ludmila, she knows that what she is asking for is too much, but they will have to do it, for Vilu and Clara. She goes upstairs and does not even knock on the bedroom door, opens it and sees her completely in tracks, lying face down on the cushion. He sits down next to her and starts caressing her back, trying to somehow comfort her, though she knows that nothing can comfort her.

- Lu, can we talk. Please ...- Angie asks in a soft, calm voice.

- Angie, I love you, but you can not ask for this, you can not. I love Fede, I need him, I want to be with him ...

- Lu, do you think I do not want to be with Germ, Vilu, and Clara?" Being with you and with Fede? But I can not, we can not ...

- Why Angie, why? It's not fair, I do not want to stay away from Fede, I do not want to - and the tears start falling again ...

- I know, I know it'll cost to both of us. But if  Gérmen's father discovers them, what we will be without them, please Lu, I need your help, I need you to be strong.

- But Angie is not fair ...- and hugs herself to Angie, she knows it's not her fault, she knows that Angie is thinking about everyone, especially Clara, and deep down they would all suffer if Jose I took it. There had to be a solution, there had to be a way to turn this situation around and they all stay together.

"Lu ... there's one more thing I need to tell you, and I'm going to need your help ... because I did not really get the news.

"What news, Angie?" What happened, did you go to Vilu? Did she get worse?

"No, from what I know Vilu is the same, although the Germ has called me a little but at this point I can not talk to him.

- Angie could be about Vilu, it could be important ...

- If he is, he calls again. Lu ... I need to tell you something. And no one can know, only Brenda and Pablo know and this is how it goes ... do you promise that you will not tell anyone?

"Yes, of course, Angie-tell me soon, you're scaring me."

"I ... I'm ... I'm pregnant." I'm expecting a baby ...

"But that's great, Angie, Germ will be happy for life ... and Vilu when she wakes up ..."

"Ludmila, I just told you what?" I still do not know if I'm going to tell, we're going to be separated, I do not know for how long, I do not know if it will be ...

"Angie, you can not do this, you can not hide. Even away, we'll find a way to talk to ... you have to tell Angie ...- and suddenly rings again the Mobile ...- is the germ - asks Angie smiled and implying that Yes ... - Answer, he has to know ...

Angie knew deep Ludmila was right, she could not hide something like, top it off with Vilu that state, he had a right to know, but how they would be able to live like this: each to his side, he with Clara and Vilu and her with Ludmila and that son ... but finally decided to attend ...

- Germ ... as everything is there - but could not hear anything, only small laughter that she would recognize wherever he was ...- Germ you with Clarita - but nothing he did not answer ...- germ? Germ, are you there? "Turning to Ludmila ..." I think Clara is playing with his cell phone ... "and suddenly ...

- Aunt. Aunt ... you're there ... - another voice that Angie could recognize wherever she was ...

- Vilu ... Vilu, is that you? You're ... Vilu my love, my princess ...- and by that time Ludmila is also approaching Angie's cell phone ...

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