Capítulo 10 - Two Trips, Two Destinations <continuation 1>

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And so instead of resting ... they did everything but that ... after a few hours they got together and went for a walk around the city. Oporto is the second largest city in Portugal, a city full of history and culture. The main street of Porto where the Town Hall is located (in Portugal all the cities have a city council that is managed by a president, this one has to answer to the government of the country). They celebrate the most important events of the city in that street. Then they visited Lello Bookshop well known in Europe not only for the large collection of books but mainly for its staircase.

- You knew that many writers and filmmakers were inspired by these staircases. They say for example that J.F. Kwoling who wrote the saga of the famous Harry Potter was inspired by them to create many scenes from the books.

- Seriously, and how does my love know all these things?

- On the Internet ... - and turning it gave him a very light kiss. They went to see some books ...

And finally they left and went walking until arriving at the Church of the Clerics, a magnificent architecture of the century. XVIII in Baroque style, its nave is decorated by a magnificent gilded carving. Then they decided to go to the tower with the same name of about 75 meters, although they had to climb more than 200 steps, both ventured up because the view according to what they had had the germ was simply breathtaking ... Then they had the famous Carillon (it is a percussion musical instrument, it is formed by a keyboard and a set of bells of varying sizes, controlled by the keyboard.The chimes are usually housed in towers of churches or convents and are one of the largest instruments in the world ), Was inaugurated in 1995 and is the most modern in Portugal. It was cast in the Netherlands and has 49 bells weighing about ten tons. The mechanism for triggering the bells includes a keyboard which, in order to be touched, requires a technique which can be physically exhausting.

- It's beautiful ... it's like we're with the city at our feet ...

- Yes, beautiful ... but not as beautiful as you ... have I told you that I love you?

- Not yet today ... I think ... you never told me ...

- Liar! But I say it now, here in this place where the earth toutch heaven and can hear me, and loudly so that all can hear: I LOVE YOU ANGELES SARAMEGO CASTILLO.

- You're crazy ... everyone is looking ... - but Germen does not let her end what she saying and gives her a kiss of those passionate, deep ... - I love you too, crazy man.

And they begin to descend the tower, following the way to the river where they would dine in one of those typical restaurants. They passed by the Sé (main church where the bishop of the city celebrates) and the Episcopal Palace, going to Ponte D. Luís with two trays the lower one for the transit of automobiles and the one used by the line of the Metropolitano do Porto (a kind of Train service, usually underground, in the city of Oporto has the peculiarity of being surface.), Have finally arrived at Cais da Ribeira strolling along the Douro River ...

- It's beautiful in this city ... we can breathe culture in every corner, history in every building ... I'm loving everything.

- I knew you were going to like it.-  and they are embraced for a while watching the sunset over Rio.

However, Vilu wakes up, and looks at Leon who sleeps peacefully, he was beautiful, wonderful, sweet; Gave him a light kiss so as not to wake him and went to get ready it was almost dinner time. When she was ready she sat down next to Leon and began to wake him with sweet, light kisses, first on her back, then on her hands, her arms around her neck, and when she went to kiss him on the cheek, Leon turned his face and ended up Kiss ... very passionate, Vilu ends up moving away from that kiss ...

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