Capítulo 5 - The Truth of the Lie

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As Joseph and Germen spoke in the office, between accusations of one and rebukes of the other, a conversation that was both in a raised tone at times and calmer in others, as they spoke, argued, accused each other; Angie was beginning to wake up, and instinctively she turned to the crib to see if Clara was asleep, but she wasn't she immediately thought that Germen was with her in the living room. As she left the room she heard Vilu singing and went to her, and when she reached the door she saw that she was singing with Clara in her lap, she was loving all that attention and pampering.

"Por tu amor yo renací Y eres todo para mi

Hace frío y no te tengo Y el cielo se a vuelto gris

Puedo pasar mil años Soñando que vienes a mi

Por que esta vida no es vida sin ti

Te esperare por que a vivir tu me enseñaste

Te seguire por que mi mundo quiero darte"

Violetta was singing better and better, and if angie closed her eyes it was like listening to Maria singing, it was amazing how their voices were so similar. Vilu realizes her presence and stops, Angie enters and gives them a hug.

- I wake you up, sorry ... but singing calms me down. And it seems to me that Clara likes that I sing to her ...

- No, you did not wake me ... and I love hearing you sing. You remind me of your mother. It's amazing how you sing more and more like her: I close my eyes and it's like she's in front of me singing.

- Do you really think I sing as well as she does, and that we have such similar voices?

- Yes, a lot. Sometimes when I hear you sing, or just look at you in those eyes, and I'm not talking about the colour but the way you sometimes look to us, it seems that I see her. But why are you nervous? Is something wrong?

- No ... I mean ... it's Grandpa, he is downstairs talking to Dad.

- Your grandfather is here again? Your grandmother must have told him everything.

- Yes, and he was so upset with Dad, and me ... and ...

- With you? Because of the music?

- Yes, I do not understand Angie, why does he continue with all this grief, with all this anguer... Grandma Angélica is not to blame, one does not choose for whom it fall in love.

- But did you know about that? I see that the only one who didn't know about all this was me.

- Dad told me, and it's incredible: I mean two friends who like the same girl and later their kids fall in love.

- Yes it is a little...I don't know. But don't be nervous, everything will be solved. I'm going downstairs and see if I can calm them down, you stay with Clara?

- Angie, do not go please let Daddy talk to him ... do not go Angie ...

- I have nothing to fear, nor do I have to hide. Do you stay with Clara?

- Yes I stay, but you should not go down. Grandfather is really annoyed, dad should not have forgotten to tell him everything that has happened.

- Vilu, your father tried and forget it, but it does not seem so serious to your grandfather have such an attitude. We can all go wrong and forget something ...

- You do not know Grandfather Joseph ... with him there are no mistakes ...

- True, I do not know him, but I'm going to try that they not say anything they do not want, and besides trying to calm them both is a good way to get to know them, and also to realize that I do not want wars.

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