Capítulo 7 - Forgotten Memories <continuation 2>

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Angie looks at Rosario, and her tears fall uncontrollably, she does not want to remember her childhood with her parents, with Maria ... she was happy during the first years of her life, she could not deny it, but after a few years, Angie did not know how many, there was always something about her father that she had never been able to decipher: a look, a gesture, a word that always made Angie uneasy. It was only after Mary's death when her father entered that abyss, when he denied her any show of affection at that time, she began to realize the reason for all that coldness toward her. Miguel knew of Luzia's existence, although Rosário thought otherwise, he knew that she had given Sister Mercedes to create it.

After Maria died Miguel's only concern was to find this daughter, to replace the hole Maria had left in her heart, despite having Angie, her father was obstinate to find Luzia, it was as if she were no longer his daughter, He had completely forgotten her. Thus it made that it followed clues not to look for Violetta but yes to look for Luzia. One day Angie realized this obsession and asked her father who Luzia was and how she could help find Vilu. Miguel was beside himself, accused her of not wanting to help, of just thinking about her, even went so far as to say that she was not his daughter. Angie had suffered in silence, for she had never told her mother what her father told her, only Pablo knew of some things, he was already Angie's great friend and confidant.

"He knew about Luzia, but how?" How did he know, I never told anyone? In fact, Joseph only knew it for a few years.

"I do not know how he knew, maybe he knew her well enough to know he would never abandon his own daughter.

"Yes, perhaps, there is not anything there that is not right, the only one who knew of Luzia's existence was Germ, and even he only knew that I had given it to a friend.

"I do not know how he knew, and lived obsessed with finding it, it was the only thing that made him live.

- And you, you know? You knew that who you were looking for was yours ...

"No, I knew I was someone important to my father, that's all. And in a way it was the only thing that still made him happy ...

"But you never found her, and your father ended up dying without knowing her ... and now you've discovered that she's yours ..."

"Just the other day after hearing what I heard and thinking about what my father asked me to do before I died, I put things together.

- What did Miguel ask you to do? Was there anything to do with Luzia?

"Yes. She asked me to find her, she asked me not to tell my mother anything, and she asked me to love her as I loved Maria.

"And you never tried to look for her after your father died." You did not think about why he asked you to love her like Maria

"No, there was no reason. I wanted to find Violetta, that's what my mother wanted from the day Germ got us out of her life. And then ... after what ...

"And then what?" Angie, what happened next?

Angie could not stand the tears anymore, and she continued to tell him what her father had told her when she found him on the floor. He had never wanted to continue with Angelica, he had only stayed with her because of Maria, that if he had been Man he would not have left Luzia, and he would not have abandoned the woman he loved. That she would never have been born if he had followed her heart, that in a way she was the image of what he had abandoned, of what he had given up for something that meant nothing to him, the only good thing that kept him for years was Maria and her career. Later when Violetta was born Miguel transposed this love he felt for that daughter he had never seen for that girl. Angie realized at that time why her father had always been colder with her than with Maria ... it was as if she did not exist, there were only heights, small moments when she felt her father loved her ... because she represented the daughter he Had abandoned

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