Chapter 12 - Two Surprises, One Doom...(continuation 3)

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When it was time for lunch, Ludmila went with the group to lunch while Angie returned home with Pablo and Brenda ... after lunch the ladies apologized and went upstairs. In Angie's room, Brenda gave her the test, she went to the bathroom, and after doing so she left and sat on the bed next to Brenda.

- Angie ... what's going on? You do not even look like you want to be pregnant.

"It's not that I do not want to, but the truth is that I'm afraid. And if that man gets custody of Clara and then ...

"Angie, first you will not lose Clara or this son, then Germ will never let the father take your children.

"If he wins, neither the Germ can do anything." And now with Vilu ...

- Angie, please calm down. Let's go by parts ... first we have to confirm the result, enough time has passed ... get the test ...

- I ... - Brenda looks at her giving her a smile that gives her some encouragement ... she goes to the bathroom and ... - I ...

"Angie, please tell me ... I'm pregnant, I can not be in this anxiety ..."

- Well, I think it's not good for me either ... it is positive ... I'm pregnant ... I do not believe it.

- I knew ... I knew you were. I'm happy for you ...

- I am pregnant, and despite all my fears and to think that is not a good time ... I am happy ... I am very happy.

"Of course you are, it's a living being that grows within us. It is something magical and wonderful.

"Yes ... it's wonderful." And she puts her hands on her belly ... and they both hug each other happily.

- Hey ... I can go in. - Pablo says, Angie hides the test quickly in the pocket of the pants ... - Sorry to interrupt, but Angie is on time, this if you want a ride.

"Yes, I want to, give me just a minute ..." saying this goes to the bathroom hiding the test inside his "necessaire", and descends to meet Pablo, says goodbye to Brenda who did not have to go to Studio, because of the news they had given, so they decided to give the kids rest day. That day Brenda had only one rehearsal with Francesca for the recording of the album, but this one was shattered to know that her best friend was in coma for weeks, it was as if they had had to him that it had lost a sister, because Violetta was more than a friend for Fran.

The trip to Angelica's house was done in silence, Pablo knew Angie enough to know that she was nervous and the less he asked her the better, Angie was grateful for his friend's description. And the truth was that she was nervous about the conversation she would have with her mother, yet the only thing she thought about was that new being that she had to grow up in her, as she would say to Germ, would he be happy, that Vilu would be fine when the baby was born, and Clara would react when the baby was born she would have been almost two years old would be jealous ... and while she thought about all this they arrived at the door of Angelica's house, the house outside Angie .

"Hey ... we've arrived ..." Angie woke up from her world ... and sighed ... "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No. Thank you Pablo, but I have to do this on my own." It is a conversation between mother and daughter.

"Okay, but if you need anything," she says. I'll be in the Studio.

- Thanks Pablo ... for everything.

He gave her a hug smiling, Pablo was much more than a friend, he was a brother. She was always there when she needed it: when her father ignored her, when Maria died, when Germ disappeared with Violetta, when she almost left the studio, when her father died; he was always close to her, supporting her, protecting her, making sure no one was hurting her and she was fine. He got out of the car, said goodbye to Pablo, and followed the way to the door, and rang the doorbell.

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