Chapter 12 - Two Surprises, One Doom ...

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It had been two weeks since Vilu had come into the hospital (a month since Joseph had come into their lives), Tati continued to visit her cousin, still believed that she heard her and that if she continued to talk, she would wake up. He had managed to persuade his father and mother to go to the hospital every day after school, and neither of them could say no to the girl because Angie and Germ also did their part in persuading them. It had been arranged between the five that Tati would have to do the work and continue to have good grades, otherwise the visits would be over.

So every day Xavier, after school, went to fetch Tatiana and Miguel from the school and leave the girl in the hospital, then go home with the boy. Every day now Angie and Germ were waiting for her at the hospital gate to take her to Vilu.

- Hi Auntie Angie ... let's see Vilu, I have lots of things to tell you ...

"Hello my dear, let's go." And to Xavier ... "See you soon Xavier, we go home today so we take Tati ..." and continued talking to the girl ... "And the school was good? Do you have jobs to do?

"It was good, yes, I have math jobs, do you think Uncle Germain will help me again if I have to?"

"Of course he does ... he knows a lot of numbers ..." Angie tells him, laughing and thinking of Germ and Tati together, they have become inseparable. The two of them went on their way until they reached Vilu's room. As soon as he entered, he went running and kissed Germ who was sitting next to Vilu ...

"Hello Uncle Germ ... I have math jobs today, will you help me?"

"Of course, my dear ... you will not talk to Vilu, I think she was missing you?"

"Yes, I was, too, and I need to talk to her a lot today. I need a woman's opinion ... "And turning to the bed, she went to the other chair and knelt down and continued to talk to the two of them." There was a boy there from school who gave me a kiss ... "and smiled a little that I'm ashamed ... - I even like him, but I think he's going too fast ... what do you think Vilu ... - and was silent as if she could only hear Vilu's answer ... it was a strange monologue but she gave the biggest smiles with those conversations ... - because I also think is that he did not even ask me if I could give only arrived and gave ...

"Very daring this boy ..." said Germ very seriously as if he were something more than Tatiana's Uncle ... "Do you want Uncle to come and talk to him?"

-No. No need, I've already addressed the subject ... "Angie was holding the laughter to hear the conversation of those two ... or the three ... Germ looked at Tati Waiting for her to continue ... - After he gave me the kiss I gave him a slap ...

- Tatiana ... - Angie day in order to reprimand her ... - you should not have done it, it does not solve anything to beat.

- Ah! Yes, Angie ... the boy is an abused, cheeky ... he needed a good lesson and Tati gave him.

"The beating Germ ... I do not know who is the child if you or she ..." says Angie half laughing seriously.

- I did not give a lot of strength, Auntie, it was just that scraped ... even because I like him ... "Dah !!", and if I gave him with strength he never spoke to me again and I do not want that either.

- Tati, now I do not understand ... Do you like this boy or not?

"Your father does not notice anything about this love thing ..." Tati says and looking at Vilu ... "I'll explain to you Uncle Germ: I like him, but I can not let him come like this and give me a kiss soon ... I have to Make me difficult. So after I hit him I gave him a little kiss ...

"I'm lost ... women who understand you ..." says Germ, looking at Angie completely lost, that strange shape of the women's head worked, always bewildered him.

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