Capítulo 5 - The Truth of the Lie <continuation 2>

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She tries, on one hand calm Clara, and on the other hand get the car running. What was she thinking? Pablo knows her better than anyone else, he will realize that something is wrong, that she is not well, he will ask him questions that she is not prepared to answer, that she will not be able to, she already feels a lump in her throat, as if  she had a balloon inside her and that at any moment could burst, and she knows that if she looked Pablo in the eyes everything she felt, that screaming inside her would burst.

- Angie ... Angie, what are you doing here?

- Pablo ... I was passing ... and the car went down ... Clara cried ... and ...

As she spoke, she sensed that everything she had kept inside her: pain, anguish, disillusionment, anger, despair, but also the love and the longing she felt for Germen were suffocating her, that if she did not get out of the car she would be out of breath, so she decided to get out of the car ... breathing very hastily ... with a crazy need for air, to breathe, to feel the air coming in and out of her ... and suddenly she felt losing the forces that kept her standing; The last thing she remembers to think was that she felt like a castle in the sand that was carrying with the wave. And she  just let herself go in that wave that had come to her in the midst of so many thoughts, and she fainted in Pablo's arms, feeling that sand castle being carried by the wave into a very deep and dark sea.

While he took her in his lap, Brenda removed the sobbing Clara from the car and closed it and went home. Pablo laid down Angie, who was still unconscious on the sofa, while Brenda tried to calm Clara, who was crying non-stop. After a while, Brenda was finally able to get Clara sleepping, lay her on their bed taking care to put her in safety and went to Pablo who was still trying to wake up Angie. After a while, that seemed eternal to both of them, Angie woke up, trying to get in her feet but she did not have the strength yet. Pablo did not even have time to ask her anything, she just ask him about Clara and when Brenda told her that she was in their bedroom sleepping, she embraced Pablo and released again all her anguish, all her hurt. When finnaly she calms down, she thanked them and at the same time apologized to them, saying that she did not want to disturb them, how she started to drive aimlessly, how she realized where she was... and again a lump in her throat, as if she were going to suffocate and could not breathe, and suddenly she had lost track of everything.

- Calm down, Angie, you don't bother us at all, but we need to know what happened? Was it Germen? What happened?

- I had no choice Pablo ... I didn't ... I didn't have any other choice ..

- But what are you talking about? What did you have to chosse? I do not understand...

- It was him or my mother ... I had no choice.- And again that feeling of the knot ... of choking, of needing to breathe.

- Your mother? What happened to Angelica, is she  angry again with Germen, was that it? Please Angie, you're not making sense.

And taking a deep breath, Angie began to tell him about Joseph's return, about the whole conflitt between him, her mother and her father. Pablo was speechless, he never would have thought that there was that whole story behind Angie's parent's, he knew Michael, and although he always found him a cold person, he would never think of such a story.

- Your mother and Germen's father?

- Yes, but my mother did not like him, she liked my father. And because of that Germen's father detests us all: my father, Maria, me and I think even my mother.

- But what fault have you and Angelica? You do not choose who you love ...

- I don't know, I don't know anything ... I just know I had to choose ...

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